Personal Message

bang yongguk
job / ex-lieutenant police officer
age / 28
bio / it was one mistake he had made, and it was the first time since he had entered the police academy years ago that he had a lapse in his judgement like this. his small town police force needed him and instead he let himself get caught up in an affair with the wife of the town mayor. 
he isn’t like this, he wasn’t mean to be caught. he wasn’t meant to be in that situation to begin with. he shouldn’t have let the savior complex chip at his self confidence. ten was on paid leave for two weeks as the mayor threatened him with defamation charges and damnation to hell before finally ten was honorably discharged. he came to seoul of his own volition, taking up work as a volunteer counselor for teen AA meetings and working an after-hours job as a custodian at a local elementary school and then a waiter at a nearby brunch-lunch joint. he doesn’t mind his new quaint life, finding a middle ground between his austerity and his want to live a fulfilling life. 


dilemma dilemma 
many jobs
28 yrs old

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