Personal Message
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coded by yxgurt
full name
Lee Taemin
July, 18th 1995
GMT -7
3rd semi lit/lit
track:Lorem ipsum dolor
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Haking always came so easily to Taemin. He started when he was really young. Around the age of 11. He was playing an online game at the time and was really into in. HOwever when he met someone who really could had destoryed his entire account everything change. he was someone older than him an 18 year old to be exact. foolishly Taemin gave out some of his network information with him. He was very nieve back then as most 11 year olds would be. But one day his friend sent him a website It looked exactly the online game's main page. His friend asked him to try and sign in using information that he thought he would never guess. He was Confused at first but did it nontheless. After he hit enter he heard his friend over voice chat say out the exact information he sent. his friend that TAemin only knew as Leo started to explain what he and his group of hackers use that website for. it was to trick people into giving their information of their account out. This would give them access to their payment info, Email, address as well as other vital information.

After Leo showed Taemin what his organization was about he was welcomed into the group. They are a group of six guys ranging from 22 to 40. They come from all around the world, from Korea to NIgeria. Taemin was the youngest and they others really took him in. although the group mostly just hacks accounts on their online game and takes all of the in game curency then sells the curency for real world curency. The group does have morals and each of them does haking their own way since they each have their own morals on what is right and what is wrong. ANother way that Taemin made money was when he was 14 and 15 he would go on anon chat rooms like omegle and since he looked even younger when he was 15 he had a baby face He would actually go and look for es and then hack their computer and black mail him. He would threate to expose them to thier friends and family if they don't give him a specific amount of money. This was probably what Taemin regrets most in his life. Not turning them in just going on his way. 

Growing up Taemin got into a great gifted and talented private school.. He was always increadibly smart. Friends were far and inbetween taemin kept distant from people in his real life. in his provate school they started teaching him english. He's now really good at it and pretty fluent. his parents were pretty distant and rarely showed affection to him. This was hard as, as much as he wouldn't want to admit it he really needs human touch.

Now a days Taemin is making amaizng money by just doing simple haking extortion. Mostly with his group just taking in game curency out. It's easy and most of the time people have no idea how to defend themselves. He lives alone just outside of seoul.

Taemin is a overall a loner. He has his haking group who he would consider more family now. They have been there for him ever since he was young. in all honesty they're more familiy than his blood family.

When you get close to taemin (which is a difficult task) He is known for being silly and even a bit sassy. Taemin doesn't let people in often but when he does he really will do anything for you. 

Overall Taemin is a balenced mixture of greatful and depressed. he is greatful for the oppertunities he's been give and the people in his life and feels like he can't really complain about it. But in reality he is very depressed. He feels stuck in life he hides himself away and acts like nothing bothers him. He wishes he had a better relationship with his parents who ended up devoricing when he was 14. They were just too busy with themselves to really care for him. 

even taemin's close haking group has no idea about Taemin's depression and sarrow. he always keeps thing bottled up. His depression will get the best of him sometimes and will physically not be able to get out of bed. Showering and taking care of himself goes out the window at his worst too. 


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dateLorem ipsum
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim.