Personal Message

Tattoo artist and business owner
Everyone knows her as ‘cheetah,’ the owner of the local tat shop. She’s a kind soul, and gives off a very relaxed aura — one could even say she emulates BDE. Cool, confident, but dangerous if you cross her. Because of the location and success of her shop, there’s always rumors going around that her place is a front for something, but not even the people closest to her would be able find that out. Other than owning it, she' also an artist. Cheetah's specialties include dragons, tribal ink, and nature prints. In her free time, she often sits in her loft downtown sketching up new pieces of art for her clients, or attending open mic night at local lounges where she indulges in a little performance of her own. In every aspect, Cheetah is an artist.

Growing up was no easy feat for Cheetah, but whom exactly is it an easy feat for? Everyone has their tribulations, and she wound up having a plentiful amount of her own. Her mom had a problem with prescription pills long before Cheetah could remember. It was the reason her dad up and left, and it was the reason her life, well -- fell apart. Not only was she unplanned, but when she arrived her father couldn't handle both the new infant in the household and her mother's addiction, so he left town when Cheetah was only two years old. Because of her mother's incapacity to raise her, her grandmother stepped in. But she wasn't the nicest lady, and when little Cheetah had an accident or did something wrong, she would get beaten or scolded. That's how she got the name Cheetah, in fact. The old woman was an avid smoker, and one of the more nonchalant punishments Cheetah would receive would be a cigarette cherry to the skin. It only took months for the scars to gather on her back, looking like a wild array of patterns. After years of being insecure, her first highschool boyfriend finally made her comfortable in her own skin, giving her the mononym, 'Cheetah.' He told her to wear her spots proudly, and so she soon began too.

 Not long into her starting up school, her mother became unresponsive. Not even rehab could help the mental numbing that woman underwent, until she finally passed when Cheetah was twelve. One could say the abuse only escalated after her mother's death, for her grandmother felt less and less remorse. Slowly, the girl approached middle school, then highschool. Not being a stellar student but scraping by due to sheer determination under all this looming pressure. At the age of fifteen she hit the streets after the last torrent confrontation she'd ever had with the woman she calls grandma. Cheetah truly blossomed there, finding refuge in her highschool friend's homes before making her own hustle on the streets. At first she was a vendor of street art, until a few months passed and a donor was so allured by her art that he decided to finance the business she's wanted for a long time. "True At Heart Tattoo," soon popped up down an alleyway on the main street downtown, with Cheetah as the rightful owner and the donor as her new boo thang. But he too, eventually left -- it was her understanding that all people do,  eventually. 

ooc note:
Her past is very dark, but that doesn't mean her present is. In the present Cheetah is bright and doing what she loves, so plots of doing silly mundane things are welcomed too. Things like running into her in a cafe because a piece of art she was drawing up caught your eye, or even a plot where she takes you through getting your very first tattoo. Honestly she's a very warm human, her only setbacks include insecurities obtained from her past, that lead to difficulties when it comes to growing close to people.