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Full Name; Nikki Reed 
Age; 117, though she appears to be in her early 20's
Orientation; Lesbian
Occupation; Mechanic 
Supernatural Race; Vampire
Biography; Born in 1901, Nikki found herself challenging the norms of society as soon as she could talk. 'Little girl's should be seen and not heard' but no, not Nikki. Nikki loved causing trouble, she loved how people would look at her with pure shock horror in their eyes when she'd cause a scene in public. But that was just her way of holding up a middle finger to the ridiculous customs of that era. Though it was her rebellion that'd made her this way, she'd been organising a women's march, a big ' you' to the men that'd tried to keep her in line. But as expected, they didn't take to kindly to her protest. She'd been beaten to death by a group of thugs wanting to 'make an example of her.' But that's the thing about stubborn women, they don't stay dead. At least not when they get bitten by a vampire in their final breaths.
Personality; Driven, vengeful, self assured, can occasionally be vain and hedonistic, aggressive when challenged or when she feels the need to prove herself. Secretly a MASSIVE softie though. 
Ideal Type; someone soft and cute, preferably shorter than her but she's not too bothered. Someone to contrast her seriousness and help her see the positive side of a bad situation. Someone optimistic and funny. Must be up for late night adventures.