Personal Message




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Lee donghae
age : 1015 ( appears to be in his late twenties - early thirties)
uality : panual
job : carpenter (usually for decorative pieces)
race : half wizard, half shapeshifter
about him
Donghae was born into despair. An orphan with no home and no food. If he was human, his first days would have had him taken by angels before he ever got the chance to live. He was but a wee lad when he stumbled into Magnolia Springs. The man was taken in by kind humans, and found the scars of his past fade day by day. He had a home, a family: and there happiness came to him. Years later, his relatively uneventful but joyful life took a backseat. His parents, mother a witch and father a shapeshifter entered his bubble. They never gave him reasons, but he accepted their help hesitantly. The scars bled, and more a knife dug into his heart drawing petals of that rich red. In return for the pain he was gifted the full extent of his powers. His home was destroyed when he outlived his adoptive parents, and his heart was shattered. The hurt numbed down to dull throbbing as centuries passed, but he never forgot their warm embraces. Later on, (much so), he fell in love with the art of carpentry, solace wrapping itself around him as he created intricate sculptures of wood, pouring in his heart and emotions.
The half-blood has a streak of violence embedded within him, coming from his need to survive. Though he holds a soft spot for all humans, he holds all supernatural creatures with a nocked bow. Which isn’t to say he has anything against any creature, but as he would say himself, his trust for supernatural creatures resembles a pieced together broken mirror. He is very protective over those he considers close, but if left loose, he turns almost controlling. He’s open minded, coming from his travels across borders (always of course, returning home). Understanding but blunt, and caring but choppy. Donghae stays pressed on the belief of there being only one for him, despite of all the events he had seen that told him otherwise. He would prefer someone warm hearted, accepting and beautiful from within. Other than that, he doesn’t ask for much physically, but he would ask for them to be at least slightly more petite than he is.
his starshine
Maecenas pharetra, lorem sit amet lacinia consequat, justo urna laoreet diam, et congue mauris est in massa. Fusce varius felis leo, feugiat aliquam tellus auctor sit amet. Phasellus mi augue, sollicitudin vel accumsan nec, sollicitudin id ex. Sed at interdum risus. Etiam urna neque, laoreet a gravida non, hendrerit quis orci.
Praesent malesuada mauris venenatis libero vehicula, vel tempor erat semper. Sed pharetra scelerisque erat at vulputate. Maecenas ac felis vel mauris tincidunt lobortis a vitae tellus. Quisque in massa pulvinar sapien blandit fringilla vel in arcu. Morbi convallis mollis risus non tempus. Curabitur eget cursus sapien.
the tolerated ones