the runaway
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basic info
full name
Dongwoon Son
date of birth
doctor (specializing in HEMATOLOGY/emergency medicine) ; a baker by hobby
now playing
track title
As a child, dongwoon grew up normally- at least from what he remembers. In another person's eyes, it was far from that.

Dongwoon had been curious about the human body ever since he could remember and what easy subjects could he have had? Of course the many maids and butlers in their household.

His parents were the owners of various hotels and resorts around the country hence most of the time,he was with nannies.

He would pour hot drinks on maids just to see what it did, cut what he can when he ate with a knife- the sight of blood had him curious. Since he was only a child, the maids have concluded that perhaps he was just a clumsy kid, letting him off and calling the events "accidents".

Time passed and he grew, the number of accidents that he had growing with and growing worse. It had gone to as far as trying to open up his younger brother's abdomen when the younger complained that his tummy hurt. He was in high school by then and his parents concluded that maybe it was a bizarre habit, it would be only a phase.

More time had passed and the parents pushed Dongwoon to inherit the business, telling the young man to take up business courses by the time he was going to a university.

However, he had other plans. He wanted to be a doctor- not because he wanted to save lives. He would be in it for the fact that it would be legal to open up bodies. Going back, he knew his brother wanted the business and so the latter could take over instead. Unfortunately, the parents disliked the idea and with that, he ran away.

He knew that even if his parents were busy with business, they'd still have plenty of time to find him. Carefully, he made a plan. Knowing his parents well, he was aware that they didn't have the heart to cancel his credit cards- especially if it could be used to track him down.

He continued his studies somewhere far from the city he grew up in. From house to house he moved, taking part time jobs here and there to lessen his dependence on credit cards- and to lessen the chances that he'd be found. He'd even discovered a like for baking on the way.

Now in his last year of studies, his bizarre habits are still there and his parents haven't stopped. Hearing that the old ghost town a few kilometers away was being rebuilt, he had decided to move in- perhaps finally he would have a place where no one knew of him, a place where he couldn't be found.
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Late night walks, sweets, reading in dimly lit rooms


places that are too bright or full of people, sudden events that affect planned schedules


picked up from one of many part time jobs, he had made baking as a hobby.


A list of things that no one probably knows and will never know:

  1. He can never resist playing the violin. Seeing one, he'll ask if he can borrow it for a while.
  2. Other than that, he can play the piano and the flute.
  3. he's had many pets, but none lasted. He's become too busy.
  4. eating sweet things somehow helps him think Better.
  5. he never prefers to talk about himself, unless it was only about current happenings.
  6. The louder the environment, the more silenT he GRows.
  7. He has a fear of INSECts.
  8. Clowns don't scare him, but for some reason, he can't stand them. 
  9. He likes making macaroons for himself, a stress reliever of some sort.
  10. He has a habit of making the tip of his thumb bleed.
  11. He remembers his dreams vividly. He writes about THEM on a small notebook he Keeps under his pillow.

Always doubtful due to the many persons his parents sent to find him; however, he sometimes makes an effort to socialize. He isn't that quiet and aloof, but he prefers minimal interaction in a group of people.

out of character
call me by my character's name! Or uh... whatever you prefer? i don't bite uwu. Gmt+8 and a student! I'm alright with plotting anything but I don't do . 1st or third is alright. If I don't reply in 5 days, poke me. I'm active during weekends! For weekdays, i can only be there for a few hours at night.