Personal Message

loving messages with winwin:

dong sicheng 52 seconds ago Reply

@jung hoseok Oh my go-



i picked this sunflower cos it reminds me of your beautiful sunshine smile that just lights up everyone's day even though you may think you are not worthy or anything but you are worthy i remember you always helped me when i had problems so i am thankful to have met you cos to me you are the brightest sunshine that always brightens up my day
bet you did not expect to get one from me huh? well here i am. you’re a vital part of bts hobes, im gonna say that for as long as i’m still breathing, dont ever leave us, please. you’re our ball of sunshine and we need you to light us all up, like you always do. i love you lots you know that right? even if it may be brotherly love, you’re my close family, all of bts are. i’m soft for you guys you don’t even know how bad it is. whenever you’re feeling down, just know i’ll readily provide you with all the hugs, or just a shoulder to lean on, don’t hesitate to seek me out yeah?
fROM:: yoongs 、
You. Yes you. The one who stole Jaemin's heart. *squints* Okno, I am just playing around. HOBIWAN! ❤ When I came here, you are one of the first peeps that approached me and made me feel so welcomed. And I thank you for that. You have been a good hyung to me, giving me a good supply of hugs. ❤ ;; You are such a great person to Jaemin too and I can't thank you enough for that. I hope you won't ever change, hmm? Please take care of my best friend. If you ever try hurting him, just remember NCT has 18 members and counting. :))))) Okay I was just playing around- I hope this friendship will grow and last forever. ouo
Love, Renbean ❤ 、
To express myself is hard, but it was never hard with you. It felt— no, it feels so natural. I don't have to think twice. That’s why I’m doing this. .. I think that's why I'm doing this at least.

Hobi, sometimes you get on my nerves; like completely get on my nerves but even with that, your good outweighs such minor inconvenience.

Normally by now, I would have probably given up but for some reason, with you, I don't want to give up? You make me so happy, and feel so special; our connection feels out of this world. So, no matter what, please remember that you mean a lot to me, and many others!

I know depression , but I also know you can fight it-- you're stronger than depression. Keep smiling for me, okay? I'll stop writing here before I get embarrassed, lol.

- Jaems.



 love yourself, sweetheart.
from: namjoon 、
Hope we can flourish a beautiful friendship and make wonderful memories as times goes on.

To a good friendship, sincerely Hanbin.