Jeon Jungkook
Security Firm
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Renowned as one of the top security companies in the business, Jungkook’s family has been running the company for a couple of decades. It has always been something that was passed down to the sons, an old tradition that wasn’t broken until it reached his father. There was a sort of rebellion so instead of his father taking charge of the company, his uncle stole the position. With the threat of payback, his father trained Jungkook from a young age to be a suitable heir, albeit one that is humble even when he was practically raised with a golden spoon, in various martial arts as well as other areas of expertise. When he reached 18, there was a contest among the different candidates from each branch of the Jeon family to select a new leader for the company. Jungkook came precariously close to death a couple of times while he was in the running before he knocked out the competition and rightly took back their place in the company. [will add more later on]
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar libero dolor, eget luctus ligula ultricies non. Donec egestas est vel pharetra porta. Nulla fermentum ex neque, eu pretium elit sagittis eget. Cras eget arcu leo. Praesent sed sapien vehicula, pulvinar odio id, feugiat nunc. Cras mauris augue, tincidunt eu varius vel, aliquam ut lectus. Aliquam suscipit ac arcu vel ultricies. Morbi rutrum tempus posuere. Nullam sit amet fermentum felis. Vivamus id elementum lorem. Suspendisse ornare condimentum rutrum. Suspendisse sed justo diam. Nullam tincidunt sit amet tellus in congue. Sed imperdiet finibus urna, eu semper augue suscipit nec. Morbi gravida ultricies felis, sed euismod justo congue vel. Phasellus aliquet purus lorem, in vehicula urna gravida vitae.
plot title - open - m / f
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plot title - open - m / f
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plot title - open - m / f
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description of the plot here.
plot title - open - m / f
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description of the plot here.
plot title - open - m / f
genre(s) here.
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who - where - status
who - where - status
who - where - status
who - where - status
who - where - status
who - where - status
who - where - status
who - where - status
who - where - status
who - where - status
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar libero dolor, eget luctus ligula ultricies non. Donec egestas est vel pharetra porta. Nulla fermentum ex neque, eu pretium elit sagittis eget. Cras eget arcu leo. Praesent sed sapien vehicula, pulvinar odio id, feugiat nunc. Cras mauris augue, tincidunt eu varius vel, aliquam ut lectus. Aliquam suscipit ac arcu vel ultricies. Morbi rutrum tempus posuere. Nullam sit amet fermentum felis. Vivamus id elementum lorem. Suspendisse ornare condimentum rutrum. Suspendisse sed justo diam. Nullam tincidunt sit amet tellus in congue. Sed imperdiet finibus urna, eu semper augue suscipit nec. Morbi gravida ultricies felis, sed euismod justo congue vel. Phasellus aliquet purus lorem, in vehicula urna gravida vitae.