Personal Message
I’m surprised you don’t know just what you’re doing to me, though I haven’t either until just recently.
But the feeling within the corner of my lips whenever my eyes catch sight of yours...I can’t help but mirror them involuntarily. What is it that’s making me do this? Well I was dumb at first to keep asking that question until I was able to spend some time with you that it’s dawned on me. That you’re the reason I smile, the reason I’m able to express such feelings of genuine happiness rather than the fake emotions that I sometimes emit. How is it that you can do things like this to me so simply? But when I was able to ask that you just gave a mere short answer that left me dumbstruck. You were being yourself, which explains everything. I’ve grown to feel slightly attached to you because of the way you carry yourself, whether you’re jumping around excitedly over sweets or even just staring off and thinking of something significantly dire...either way, jungwoo, is like to say I appreciate you as a whole. Your mere existence is what makes me smile without even trying.

from:: christian


Hope we can flourish a beautiful friendship and make wonderful memories as times goes on.

To a good friendship, sincerely Hanbin.


christian yu 1 minute ago Reply

woo would be the person
where I would casually hook my finger 
at the loop of his pants and give a dirty look to 
potential stealers but then when he’d look my way
I’d immediately emit a smile and give him an endearing 
stare as if I wasn’t just about to kill someone with 
my eyes a mere few seconds ago