Personal Message
inventory15 skullies
kang minseok
because i could not stop for death        
kang minseok
because i could not stop for death        
personal tastes
photograph — ed sheeran
nights with you
angel heart
because it's you
love letter
october 21st
minseok never feared death. he knew it would come one day, and he figured it was better to accept it rather than fear the idea. it was inevitable: why fear the inevitable? perhaps this was his fatal flaw.

He was young, a ripe age of 17. He was about to finish his high school career and move on with his life, heading into music school. there was nothing really special about him. he could pluck at guitar strings and his fingers often danced along piano keys. he wrote, read, and composed music. that was all he really wanted to do.

it was raining that morning when he woke up, and as much as he wanted to ditch class again, he couldnt. he already screwed up last week by falling asleep in study hall. he got dressed and grabbed his phone before grabbing a granola bar, the homework he neglected to do and would in homeroom, and headed out the door. his head hanging low, headphones in his ears, and his hood over his hair, he made his way to school.

the driver was going too fast, especially on a rainy day in a school zone. his brakes didnt catch when he saw the hooded figure of the boy crossing the street in front of him. the car swerved, but minseok never looked up. his music blasted in his ears, and he kept his head down. the car slammed into him, and before he even knew it, he was down. his head hit the ground, skull cracking, limbs astrewn in unnatural positions. it was a gruesome scene, to say the least. ambulences were called, paramedics arrived, but it was too late. kang minseok died at the age of 17 in a fatal car crash while on the way to school.

except, he didn't really die. to the real world, he did, but his soul didn't pass on. people usually say that it's because there's something that wasn't fulfilled, but minseok didn't think that applied to him. at most, it would be merely because he "died" at such a young age. he didn't become a ghost, but he didn't pass on to whatever was supposed to be next. instead, he was in some sort of limbo state, neither alive nor dead.

he wasn't very fond of it at first. the reaper that came to him was intent on sending him off, but it wouldn't happen. the tea was too cold, or the door leading onward simply wouldn't open. upon realization of just what was going on, minseok was instructed to never return to where he once was. to the humans, those who didn't understand, he was dead and gone. to see him alive and wandering around would be impossible. the reaper sent him on his way to halloweentown, where he knew the young boy would be accepted.

minseok grew accustomed to the life he lived. he quickly made friends, being a rather cheerful and friendly soul, and even managed to score a job. he made a name for himself around town. if you didn't personally know him, you knew of the talented boy who sat behind the piano or on a stool with his guitar.

he was never really sure how he felt about all of it. either way, it was his life now. or his death. his undeath.
he can play the piano and guitar. he was self-taught when he was alive.
he writes and composes songs and lyrics, but he isnt very proud of them and keeps them to himself.
he plays piano both at the back woods bistro and the coroner cafe, whichever has more business on any given day.
as a reminder of the accident and how he died, he has a scar on the inside of his left arm.
he's pretty quiet, but rather friendly. a lot of times, though he'll deny it, he's really cute and/or adorable. he can be a bit of a brat and stubborn at times, but he gives in easily. he likes being praised for his looks.
he really wants a pet dog, but he's too shy and he thinks they won't like him.
lover's name
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam feugiat blandit scelerisque. Fusce dolor lorem, suscipit id elementum nec, bibendum malesuada neque. Aliquam justo risus, tristique nec imperdiet sit amet, commodo eget ipsum. Ut in orci sagittis est condimentum mollis. Suspendisse facilisis elementum diam vel porta. Suspendisse sit amet ipsum sapien. Phasellus ex velit, blandit sit amet iaculis at, gravida non lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam dui ex, sagittis nec tellus eget, fringilla condimentum elit. Sed hendrerit ultrices ante, eget faucibus odio facilisis sit amet. Vestibulum nulla nulla, gravida eget lobortis a, finibus vel quam. Proin eget mi vestibulum, varius nisl nec, feugiat nisi. Etiam sed velit dapibus, lobortis velit vel, facilisis ipsum.
ooc notes
GMT -8, aka California time, but don't trust the online sign. I'm not always around when it says I am.
I prefer 3rd over 1st, and plotting over winging, but I can do either. Just ask/specify!
I like the para/semi para length, but I usually just mirror. I don't novella, though, as much as I want to.
Keep ooc drama away from me. I will not tolerate it.
Separate ooc from ic. I am not my character, and my character is not me.
Don't facechase. i wont hesitate to block you for that.
Poke me after 3 days. At that point, I either forgot or got a little too busy.
Communication is key. If you don't want to rp with me anymore, just let me know. I'll do the same for you. I won't be offended.
If you're under 18, stay away from me with ual things. I don't with the law.
dp dump