
top 5 playlist


imagine dragons

no one told me why





hannah trigwell

little talks

of monsters and men

small tracker












at the tender age of twelve, the restless bachelor was appointed as the successor of bliss, formally stealing the title from his younger brother, kento. the reserved male was his brother's extreme opposite: showing unparalled obedience with their parents' demands, drowning himself in books of all kinds, and exhibiting a creatively strategic manner of dealing with numerous mature situations. hence, the siblings have grown distant to one another and in most cases, try their best to not get involved in each other's personal businesses. it is then that arata has earned the title as the family's dark horse.

as a refined gentleman, the bachelor is undeniably flocked by respectable ladies of the business world - of all ages, sizes, and origins. he channels his energy in furthering his growth as bliss' heir and also as an admired businessman. therefore, arata does not feel the need to romantically associate himself with anyone regardless of his open nature.

in as much as he is viewed as the flawless embodiment of a gentleman, his intelligence poisoned and eradicated whatever sign of humanity was left off of him. the man has voluntarily involved himself in various adultery cases with business partners and third party colleagues. to make up for his exhaustion in managing trivial, business matters, the passion=driven master indulges himself in illegal substances such as cloud nine, ecstasy, and meth to keep himself sane. this practice ultimately led him to run one of the biggest underground dens in the country, where its earnings potentially contribute to the survival of bliss.


indeed, arata chooses to live his life to the fullest.

history / about


Last updated 00 month. day.

on the surface level, arata projects himself as a perfect gentleman: refined, softspoken, and disciplined. he is a straightforward bachelor who often is the cause of a short-lived social interaction. He mostly emits a professional aura, one that is not easily broken by menial efforts or desperation. he often tucks himself in the corner of the room or stands unbothered within large groups, observing every individual he is surrounded with and keeping his opinions to himself. he would rather take a seat, read a book, or contemplate on profound ideas as an ideal drive for a normal day.

however, when he sees a person of interest who is oftentimes weak, it triggers his borderline psychotic and sadistic tendencies. it takes a wild turn in his personality: he becomes manipulative, violent, and takes joy in seeing others suffer. as a result, he continues to play with the raw human emotion presented to him as though a predator takes its time in devouring the sanity of its prey.

personality / quirks


Last updated 00 month. day.

my beloved


name: here.

date: here.

status: here.

Suspendisse a eros libero. Pellentesque ultrices consectetur lacinia. Suspendisse arcu mi, molestie et congue quis, posuere eu nisi. Duis euismod eget lectus sed fringilla. Donec tempor turpis turpis, sit amet tempus eros pellentesque eu. Mauris orci augue, cursus sed venenatis eu, pellentesque a quam. Nullam at erat fermentum, dignissim purus sed, feugiat lorem. Integer lobortis tincidunt nisi aliquet imperdiet. Aliquam porttitor quis felis eget lacinia.

ONE. Pellentesque condimentum vel nisl et rutrum.

TWO. Ut eget quam nisi. Phasellus ac quam at nulla vulputate fermentum nec nec augue.

THREE. Fusce bibendum quis lacus rhoncus eleifend. Mauris massa lacus, porta et dui vel, sagittis maximus ligula. Proin volutpat lacus neque, et commodo metus posuere eget. Nulla varius iaculis quam, vitae egestas ante cursus a.

FOUR. Sed nisi elit, condimentum bibendum orci at, dictum pulvinar metus. Nunc blandit, lacus convallis imperdiet semper, risus sem varius leo, vel faucibus orci sapien in tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque dignissim condimentum urna ac porttitor.

FIVE. Phasellus a euismod nibh. Sed id viverra urna. Sed id molestie felis.

SIX. Fusce ultricies ex ac finibus tempor.

SEVEN. Maecenas molestie nec turpis eget facilisis.

out of character


Last updated 00 month. day.

Scenario title.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Suspendisse venenatis ut erat ac vestibulum. Sed interdum eu enim a commodo. Donec in purus ac tellus sagittis tempus. Sed vehicula tellus id blandit posuere. Etiam a malesuada dui. Maecenas at sodales mi, eget mollis elit. Fusce ut mi blandit, varius sapien et, iaculis arcu. Suspendisse hendrerit vel mauris non tempus. Cras tortor orci, pharetra eu laoreet vehicula, hendrerit quis leo.

Scenario title.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Pellentesque ornare erat vitae iaculis pulvinar. Aenean vitae massa eget metus pharetra lobortis in facilisis ex. Nam sit amet nisl in massa scelerisque porta. Fusce a lacus ipsum. Phasellus eget enim pretium, consectetur ipsum non, facilisis tellus. Aliquam rhoncus magna eget imperdiet pretium. Quisque orci magna, sollicitudin eget urna sit amet, tristique facilisis nibh. Praesent at ipsum varius, elementum velit nec, semper ligula. Fusce at ante ipsum. Praesent lacinia non ante sit amet consectetur. Suspendisse sit amet facilisis ligula. Curabitur vel tristique tortor. Quisque interdum vulputate nulla rutrum feugiat. Aliquam tempor consequat elit at volutpat. Fusce vitae suscipit nibh, in egestas orci.



Last updated 00 month. day.

friends / icons


Last updated 00 month. day.


mood 49%


speed 31%


writing quality 62%


muse 85%


activity 70%