Personal Message


: xiao wen ju

● year: 3rd//junior
● fraternity: alpha rho tau
● major: medicine
● gmt: +3
● pov perference: any will do!
● rping status: open and active but slow!



xiao, xiaowen, ju whatever you prefer



date of birth



medicine//fashion design


biromantic, demiual

relationship status

single pringle

spouse/current partner



none either


1 older sister and 2 younger brothers


everyone, probably


let's all be friendly here

writing style


pov preference

any will do!

basic information

The family of Xiao Wen Ju started as a family of farmers living in the far flung areas of early China. It was a peaceful life and every member of the family was contented with what they have. Not until Xiao Wen Ju's great great grandmother's career became a huge success, wealth and fame came in their lives so easily, thanks to her great acting skills and passionate and compassionate heart. From that and on, Xiao Wen Ju's family has gotten anything they ask for easily and quickly, though their lives are to be in the spotlight and in demand every time. Though they got everything they wanted, it was hard for Wen Ju to accept her fate in taking medicine; she doesn't want to disappoint her parents at the same time she wants to pursue fashion designing.

Xiao Wen Ju is actually a really smart kid who excels at any subject since she started schooling. Though, it's not actually she's smart, it's just that she learns things so easily and catches up on her lectures so quickly. When there's a problem or error, she's the quickest to fix it, properly and orderly.

Xiao Wen Ju acquired retrograde amnesia after weeks from an incident she couldn't remember. After realizing she has amnesia, she starts realize too that she is to forget things from her childhood up to her recent years before the realization. This memory loss of past events has frustrated her constantly but she shows it minimally. It is a pain for wenju to live with such amnesia that forgets the past- her name, her hometown, her family, her childhood friends, and even how to ride a bike or how to speak languages she learned since she was little. yet, even with such illness, she tries her hardest to remember every little detail she earned from her past.

Xiao Wen ju may seem shy and introverted at first but once she gets comfortable, she is a bubbly and fun to be with and anyone can get along with her. At times, she gets all leaderly like when needed to get the group achieve their goals. She is also compassionate with her work especially with fashion, and sympathetic to people going through hard times since an incident occurred in her life. Wenju fights for what she thinks is right and what she believes in and never lets people try to get in her way.

history / about

personality drowned in her studies but always finds time for the ones she love and close to her.

Likes clothes, make-up, wandering, trips around the world.

Dislikes goths, highways, sight of too much blood, snobs, forgetting.

Hobbies waking up way too early, reading at the library, walking around the forest/park/city.

Secrets find it out.

Fears bugs, losing close people, being lonely, walking across the street.

Pets a manx cat she names "Xiaoxiong" and a keeshond dog she names "Xiao pengsong".

Clubs ikigai robotics club, ikigai nursing students, chinese student association, the fashion network, astronomy club.

Sports track and field.

The Quirks Fun Facts About Them.
— fun and cheery.
— when she is enjoying the subject, she gets talkative. otherwise, she is silent throughout the duration.
— because her mind is always wandering, she mostly ends up finishing a little of her projects/responsibilities by the end of the day. she also ends up wandering around or getting lost at the campus or at the city.
— experiences retrogade amnesia which she got in an event she doesn't remembered.

personality / quirks/other infos

name: here.

date: here.

status: here.

Aenean a dui blandit, dapibus ligula vitae, accumsan velit. Morbi orci velit, tincidunt sit amet efficitur non, tempor ac neque. Etiam blandit ut est at dapibus. Curabitur nec feugiat urna. Aliquam ornare sem ac libero egestas consectetur. Mauris porta nibh eget feugiat dictum. Duis et nunc at orci euismod finibus.

my beloved

ONE. gmt+3, prolly studying, at school, or sleeping for 11 hours if unresponsive.

TWO. i don't bite! you can always pm me for plotting and rping.

THREE. as mentioned, i can do any point of view, but my writing style is something else. i will always do my best whenever im writing!

FOUR. Sed nisi elit, condimentum bibendum orci at, dictum pulvinar metus. Nunc blandit, lacus convallis imperdiet semper, risus sem varius leo, vel faucibus orci sapien in tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque dignissim condimentum urna ac porttitor.

FIVE. Phasellus a euismod nibh. Sed id viverra urna. Sed id molestie felis.

SIX. Fusce ultricies ex ac finibus tempor.

SEVEN. Maecenas molestie nec turpis eget facilisis.

out of character

get well soon.

for anyone and open to any ideas!

It's just another day, another shift for Wenju at Ikigai's little clinic. But it won't be just another day when someone gets into a fight/accident, and Wenju is left to tend with his/her wounds. From their meeting, anything or nothing could emerge from it.

we're never ever getting back together because we now have bad blood.

open to anyone who wants to be frenemies and to any ideas!

Although Wenju is a very friendly person, rivalries and enemies in her life can't be helped. From a very dark past, Wenju and her rival is to face their past and present relationship.

i miss u.

open to anyone!

People come and go, and so does Wenju's memory about people and events. Experiencing retrogade amnesia for an unknown reason, Wenju encounters an important person whom she doesn't even remember encountering with before.


open to anyone chinese (at most) and to any ideas because this idea seems too vague.

It's been ages since Wenju saw someone related to her childhood back in China. While roaming around the campus, she sees a familiar face among the crowd and the rest is history...


xiao wen ju

“you can drink boy's blood; you can take the boy's soul"

mood 79%


muse 84%


writing quality 80%


reply speed 75%


activity 74%
















in short: Xiao Wen Ju came from a family of successful people. She wants to take fashion design but her mother is pushing her to take medicine instead. She got retrograde amnesia from an incident she couldn't remember. She is shy and awkward at first but over time she's bubbly and fun to be with. She is also compassionate, passionate, kind, and very smart. Although, she is always confused of her own self and her mind is always drifting off reality.