Personal Message


Shinji Amano 

38 years old 

Occupation: tattoo artist (before he was put here)

Likes: Metal/rock music, secertly likes pop music, tigers, cute small things, sweets esp. cupcakes, candy and chocolate strawberries,

Dislikes: Bright lighting due to senstive eyes, loud sudden noises 

Fears: darkness, the unknown

Personality: Active, bit ed, loveable, friendly, humble, caring, indecisive, dim-witted, absent minded, curious, artistic 

Health conditions: He has slight colorblindness. He can't see reds, greens or yellows the same way others can. Since he is a tattoo artist, he mainly works in black and white. Mental health, he is fine although he has a bit of OCD. 

Bio: Shinji was born with two parents that devorced after he turned two years old. His mother took him in full custody and got together with another woman. Not legally married because of laws and fear of being shunned by her peers, his mother kept her life a secret and urged Shinji to do the same as he grew older. Of course this messed with his self esteem having his friends talk about their father so freely and Shinji never thought he had a father in the first place after being raised by two females. 

But as he grew older into his late teen years, despite his home life, he didn't let it interfer with his soical life. He played in sports, had a few clubs, and volunteered to help out with school events. He discovered his talent for art in middle school after a school project was in place. However he got teased a lot do to his colorblindness. 

Taking up the challenge for pursue art as a career he went to university for the major. He fell in love with a certain type of artisry after getting his fiirst tattoo. And that day his world turned into something new. He focused his whole energy on tattooing. His coworkers could see how hard he worked as well as the owner of the shop. And the owner grew so fondly of Shinji. Mainly because Shinji was his son. 

Years and years of no knowing who his father was, the reunion between father and son shocked Shinji. Thinking he had no dad and for him to be a tattoo artist himself, it's beyond words. 

Opening up his own shop was a lot of work but with help from his father, Shinji was in business. He had a rough start at the beginning, he grew more success over the next few years. 

In present time, Shinji meet with a couple guys at his place of work. It was after hours and he was locking up for the day. The next thing he knew, he was waking up on this island so very confused and now he made it is mission to return home.