Personal Message
jung yeong kyun
Being born common was wonderful.
Unless you were far from common yourself...
Forbidden Lover
Name - Date
Morbi turpis felis, tincidunt ac arcu sed, gravida efficitur est. Nunc varius vehicula dolor at euismod. Maecenas egestas nulla non ante viverra, sed facilisis nulla semper. Sed a eros urna. Duis et varius eros.
Phasellus vitae risus quis augue suscipit dapibus non at neque. Aenean hendrerit blandit quam, pellentesque pulvinar ex finibus blandit. Curabitur venenatis sollicitudin enim, at aliquam nunc tincidunt et. Nulla facilisis consectetur velit, eu venenatis augue pellentesque vel. Maecenas eu semper nunc.
Precious People
Out of Character
Username: Heylisten
Name: Belle 
Timezone: GMT -*
Roleplay Style: Third mirror
Additional Information:
So the online sign may be there but don't trust it. Poke only after (7) days without a reply. OOC talking, plotting, and posting is not equal to me being in a roleplaying mood nor does it mean I might be able to answer. i have kids and a family, give me a break.