Personal Message
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character information  
Jung Jaewon
Personal Trainer
Does it matter?
date of birth
March 29, 1994
The boy who has a fear of flying. Jung Jaewon was born on March 29, 1994. His parents were a modest, middle-class pair that had two contrasting careers. His mother worked as an intelligence researcher for the NIS(National Intelligence Service), while his father was gym trainer assistant who also worked as a golf caddy for amateur, aspiring golfers. Though they could have easily lived a better lifestyle, things didn't go that way. Jaewon's mom had a dangerous job, as it required her to travel frequently, and with her knowledge of different countries intelligence, she could end up in prison in the wrong country. And unfortunately, just a year after Jaewon was born, this had happened. His mother was arrested by the Chinese government as they accused his mother as a spy. Though the leaders of the ROK and China went through several talks, she was ultimately sentenced to fifteen years in prison. This proved to be a devasting blow to the Jung family, mainly his father. The burden left by his father to raise his two-year-old was heavy, as he was busy during the week. Though months past and things seemed to calm down and return to normal, nothing ever was. Jaewon's father proceeded to avoid help for his current depression and soon got left or got fired from his jobs. Alcohol, smoking, and drugs seemed to be the only remedies for his father's heartache and pain. The young toddler knew nothing of the situation and would annoy his dad to death. This resulted in lots of yelling. Daily yellings turned into threats, threats turned into 'discipline.' That discipline soon turned into abuse. Despite being around three, his father was cruel as his mind was already too deep into drugs and alcohol. One day a nice woman and man came to visit the house. Jaewon thought it was his relatives he hadn't met yet. He was told to go to his room as the adults needed to talk. Fifteen minutes later, Jaewon was a sobbing mess as his father was taken into police custody. Thirty minutes later, his clothes were packed up and he was taken to the nearest shelter. He remembered and often reminded himself of his mom who he could faintly remember then, and now his father was gone. He was alone, and he missed his parents, very, very much. The following years of Jaewon's life would be traveling from foster home to foster home, never finding a place to stay. He was told he was a weird, unstable child. He had this passion, a burning passion that seemed to just radiate hatred. Over those years as he went through various homes, he met great people, he met the worst people, but most importantly, the common theme of each of his stays that seemed to follow him was that he was an outcast. And boy, that followed him at school too. Elementary was fine, but middle school came along and he began his short stint of being a 'thug.' He attacked classmates, disobeyed teachers, smoked, sold unpresciption drugs such as Adderall and Vyvanse. One time he 'accidetnly' gave someone the wrong dosage, that girl overdose and nearly died. That was the end of that. High school arrived, and Jaewon moved into his last foster home, which was located in Busan. This wouldn't be the first time being the new student with completely new peoplel around him. Easily, the cycle could've repeated, but a new adventure appeared in front of Jaewon. His first love. The girl he felled in loved with was a beauty. Though she wasn't the most popular girls, she wasn't the least popular. She was rather known for the school musicals she starred in. She was a confident woman who had her head on her shoulders. She complimented Jaewon, and the two hit it off almost immediately. They were a visual couple, and were somewhat decently popular in the school. Months, and school years went by. It was the last year of school, and in fact, it was the beginning of the second semester. The day was a relatively normal day. Jaewon wanted to surprised his girl for the three years they have been together. His girlfriend tutored in the afternoon, and he knew where she taught. Walking down that empty hallway was the worse decision he could take. As he walked past the room, through the small window on the door, he saw his girlfriend of three years having with the guy he hated the most. That was the most defining moment of Jaewon's life. His love, his world, was crushed in seconds. He dropped the bouqet, the chocolates, and the candles. A letter that was supposed to contain his feelings was ripped up and scattered on the floor. Jaewon's face by the end of the day was tear-stained. He starved for two days before one of his foster friends, his best friends to this day, managed to get him to eat. Jaewon withdrew from phsyical classes and finished school via online. Jaewon had the choice to go back to Seoul to potentially go to uni. But he delayed his choice as he wanted to do one thing before he made his first choice as an adult. Visit his mother. His mom was relocated to a South Korean prison, as she was serving one more year. That day he visted his mom, tears were exchanged, and Jaewon told his troubles, his struggles, and so on. His mother was mostly quiet, but these few words that she was told and exchanged with Jaewon changed his life. "Give me the strength to change the things I can, the patience to endure the things I cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference." After that visit, Jaewon went back to Busan to pack up and he left for Seoul. The big city was a change for him, but he wanted to be here, he controlled his destiny, and he could be the person he seeks to be. He enrolled and majored in Sports Medicine, he minored in Fine Arts. University went by rather quickly as he was determined and didn't bother to get involved in the things college students would do. He did his work, and that was it. Those five years past by, and he graduated at the top of his class. He took his newly talents to a well-known gym were it was mainly used for celebs. He became a trainer for a lots of kpop groups, and even became a personal trainer for some. For the first time in his life, he felt in control, he felt happy, he was himself. Finally, he could be Jung Jaewon.
since 00.00.0000
about beloved 통신·방송의 시설기준과 신문의 기능을 보장하기 위하여 필요한 사항은 법률로 정한다. 대통령은 헌법과 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 국군을 통수한다. 국가원로자문회의의 의장은 직전대통령이 된다. 국무회의의 구성원으로서 국정을 심의한다.이를 규제·조정할 수 있다. 종교와 정치는 분리된다. 국민경제의 발전을 위한 중요정책의 수립에 관하여 대통령의 자문에 응하기 위하여 국민경제자문회의를 둘 수 있다, 국채를 모집하거나 예산외에 국가의 부담이 될 계약을 체결하려 할 때에는 정부는 미리 국회의 의결을 얻어야 한다.헌법재판소의 조직과 운영 기타 필요한 사항은 법률로 정한다. 군인은 현역을 면한 후가 아니면 국무총리로 임명될 수 없다. 대통령은 제3항과 제4항의 사유를 지체없이 공포하여야 한다, 국가원로자문회의의 의장은 직전대통령이 된다.국정의 중요한 사항에 관한 대통령의 자문에 응하기 위하여 국가원로로 구성되는 국가원로자문회의를 둘 수 있다. 사형을 선고한 경우에는 그러하지 아니하다. 헌법개정안이 제2항의 찬성을 얻은 때에는 헌법개정은 확정되며, 교육의 자주성·전문성·정치적 중립성 및 대학의 자율성은 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 보장된다.
plots and scheme  
0/2 Admirer╎ m / f
You and Jaewon are merely acquaintances, in fact, you two have only said hi to each other once! You happen to go to the same gym as Jaewon, and you admire his work ethic and you can't seem to take the courage to introduce yourself to him. But when you two are the last people in the gym, what will happen between you?
0/1 Misery╎ f
You are his grief. You caused him agony, you caused him to go through tremendous heartache. And now you two are standing before each other. You haven't spoken to him since that day, and the words you had these last five, six years suddenly cannot come out. Each second the passes, the less likely you'll see Jaewon ever again. What will you do?
0/1 ...╎ m / f
UNder C/O
user information  
Gmt - 5
writing style
From script to novella
preferable pov
no Preference
writing quality