Personal Message

my baby boy, my peach – 26.01.19 

jeon youngjun15:49:09Reply
goddamnit hanbin i like you a lot it’s crazy

jeon youngjun 7 hours ago Reply
when i think of hanbin i smile like an idiot cause i love him so much he makes my brain go dumb

jeon youngjun 3 days ago Reply
@kim hanbin i’m not really good at these things like you are but i wanted to tell you that you truly are the light of my life and i can’t imagine a world without you. you’re so sweet, caring and so beautiful that i sometimes wonder how i got so blessed. i’m truly blessed to have you by my side and i hope to keep you there for the rest of our natural lives. you make me so happy hanbin, i could die. i love you so much and i hope you have a great day at work.
