Personality. Insert personality here. to be updated. check back later. sad face emojis. insert filler text here bc i gotta fill this space up. Press enter for a new line like this.
this a new line woot doot
Background. Insert background here. to be updated. check back later. this is filler text bc Lorem ipsum be basic. jk jks.

choi san.
tracker (scroll).
name. status. place.
name. status. place.
OOC. Insert ooc here and so on. rules and blah. rp style. etc. will update later.
Press enter for a new line. this a new line.
Extra section. Maybe plots or something. Who knows, right? Eh. inserts filler text bc again Lorem ipsum be too basic & i'm too lazy to search it up lol. filler text here, etc etc. brb cryin