Personal Message


: Name: Felix Lee/Lee Yongbok

Age: 18/Freshman

Major: Dance

Animal counterpart: Dingo

(Under Co)

Background: Born in Sydney, Australia, Felix was made aware at a young age of the dangers his family had living there.

Personality: Felix is very gregarious, playful and friendly. He hates being ‘told off’ and quite often sulks for hours afterward. So a stern word is usually all it takes to send him scurrying away with his tail between his legs. He doesn't like being left alone and greetings are a necessary 15-minute procedure, although he's working on that time. He has a bad habit of stealing, not in a negative way, many things just intrigue him. If he isn't inside, Felix would most likely be outside climbing trees.
Physical traits: Felix has a lean, athletic build and is extremely agile. Longer canines and larger carnassials. Orange ring around eyes. Large and pointy ears, a saber-like tail of a moderate length that is brushy. He has white markings on chest, feet, and the tip of his tail.

Orientation: baby gay (courtesy of lsbnjesus~♥)