Personal Message

Character name: Vixenius Margaux Tyranul (Kang Seulgi)
Actual & Physical age: 1800 years old & 25 years old
Species: Demon
Abilities: Gravity manipulation, Disintegration, Power Mimicry
Teaching: Ancient Languages and Dark Arts
Orientation: Biual
Timezone: +8

Speak of the Devil
Vixenius Margaux Tyranul
GMT +8
Long before julius caesar was killed, Vixenius was born from a mother she never knew. The mother she never knew became pregnant because of the devil who impregnate her. As soon as she was born, she left her in the desert to feed on the slithering snakes and poisonous scorpions. But there is something to this infant that tamed those desert animals until she was found by Marcus Antonius and made her as her servant in his house. As she grow up, Vixenius beauty is unwavering and she never had flaws in her. Many servants envied her by her looks, Vixenius was a good and generous woman who cared only for his adopted father, Marcus Antonius. Until Cleopatra saw Vixenius and it made her jealous, she asks an evil witch to give her a poison where she will never live and then the witch obliged to do it.
The witch pretended to be an old woman and Vixenius helped her and then she gave her the potion. The witch could see that Vixenius is not just an ordinary human, she is someone else. When Vixenius gets sick, one servant only took care of her then she looked for a potion and gets the poison made by the witch and drank its content. She starts coughing blood and it slowly taking her life, as the servant was about to call the others, Vixenius's eyes became black and her skin became pale, she quickly latched on the servant and bit her before her blood. As soon as she was finished drinking the servant's blood, she slowly turned into a monstrous demon. Vixenius had lost all of it, even her kindness had turned into hate and savageness.
Over time, she slowly realized that she is not a human even before she became a demon. She had no trust on humans but few of them believed on her, so she made a pact, she gave them her blood and thus they became the creatures of the night, who are now called the vampires. Vixenius established her own clan named Tyranul and became the founder of it until she fell into slumber underneath the surface for many centuries.
She only woke up when she could feel that it is now the time to show herself in the face of the earth. She had encountered her descendants who betrayed her own clan, Vivienne and Victoria, she was going to bring them back to their clan to put them to their judgement but decided to stay where the two sisters stayed.
Her ability is to disintegrate any objects that gets in her way, she control the gravity itself, she can also morph into her demon form at will and she can also copy others ability. She is indestructible yet fragile inside.
Vixen is cunning and manipulative. She is serious, cold and sarcastic, she often cares to someone but still apathetic to everyone even though they could express her emotion to her, she won't give a damn about it. All she wanted is order and loyalty to her, that is all she could care about.
official date
current status
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam porttitor arcu nec lectus auctor, quis pulvinar velit rhoncus. Phasellus convallis dapibus egestas. Ut efficitur sem massa. Nulla accumsan sem sapien, vel porttitor nibh aliquam nec. Fusce euismod feugiat nulla vitae efficitur. Proin id enim urna. Cras nibh urna, placerat vel ligula a, vulputate mollis lectus. Ut nec quam enim. Praesent rutrum ligula sit amet sem aliquam bibendum. Fusce at feugiat metus. Sed turpis orci, sollicitudin ut magna et, lacinia vestibulum tellus. Vivamus at aliquam sapien. Etiam sed bibendum sem. Etiam eget congue nibh, a porttitor neque. Maecenas suscipit ullamcorper nibh sit amet egestas. In ut ligula et diam tincidunt varius non non lacus. Morbi ipsum dui, porttitor sed consectetur ac, porta quis tellus. Cras in mauris a ante dignissim volutpat vitae ultrices purus. Nullam ornare ut arcu eu tempus. Suspendisse erat sem, convallis quis sem nec, vehicula rutrum turpis. Vivamus et tempus felis, non dapibus dui. Nunc vehicula rhoncus lorem. Vestibulum nisl quam, vulputate at mi vel, faucibus eleifend lectus. Pellentesque vulputate vestibulum quam, ac suscipit ex convallis non. Nunc ex augue, faucibus eget ornare vitae, tincidunt nec velit. Integer vehicula ligula velit, at feugiat libero iaculis vitae. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum consectetur turpis sapien, sed convallis quam scelerisque ac. Aliquam euismod risus a ipsum dictum ornare consequat sit amet augue. Suspendisse et lacus rutrum, pharetra arcu in, viverra lorem. Sed dictum, odio quis viverra pharetra, ex mauris faucibus nisl, vel porttitor libero lorem a nunc. Aliquam sollicitudin, lectus vel efficitur congue, metus elit maximus felis, eu ultrices eros mauris ut urna. Vivamus eget suscipit justo. Ut in varius eros. Donec luctus neque ornare enim euismod lobortis. Phasellus viverra ornare enim id efficitur. Proin fermentum, lorem ac posuere sagittis, orci urna imperdiet turpis, sed posuere mi massa sit amet neque. Sed non porta ligula.