Personal Message


i. kim hosung
ii. 24
iii. gay
iv. song producer
v. hosung always preferred being behind the scenes, staying out of the spotlight and doing things on his own. he never wanted to work for someone else, and considering he didn't really want to go out of the house unless he needed to, he took solace in making sure he made his music and kept to the sidelines. idk where i'm really going with this but that's good enough, right?
vi. (+) great listener, mature, can read people well (-) easily frustrated, kinda lazy, awfully quiet
vii. someone kinda chill and mellow, someone he can dote on without making a big deal of things, but really he isn't too picky. so long as he can be himself and appreciate whoever it is. needy is fine. clingy is fine. just nothing over the top.