Personal Message

Background. —  Not much is known about the mysterious professor with the gift of foresight. She always appears at peace and calm, but a select few have seen the wild that sometimes threaetens escape. Even fewer than that know why she can see the Thestrals. 

Details. —  A typial Moonember, she is known for being gentle and kind. When the opportunity presents, she goes above and beyond for those she's assisting. She however tends to speak in riddles when she does open up for conversation, even more so when asked about the visions that she has. She understands that the future she sees in her mind can be altered with the simplest of choices and always would rather await the possible changes than believe fully that an event will take place.
Personality. —  Quiet and easy going on the surface, she has no issue with the students calling her by her first name. She will only speak if spoken to first and will not seek out but wait for what needs to come to her. When she does allow for a person to be in her inner circle, she trusts fully and entirely. As you can certainly imagine, that's not a group of many.

OOC. —  My work schedule is insanity. I try to be on later EST if possible and intermittently throughout the day. But I'm very approachable, if not the best at plotting as I'm relatively new to the entire RPR thing. I'm always good for , angst, and fluffy romantic things, but the first two come a lot easier to me than the latter. If you have any ideas for Shakira with your character, please message me!