Personal Message


xia a.k.a junsu kim



35 years ago, a human found an injured wolf deep inside the rocky mountain. He was there to do some archeologist works, digging up bones and all but Moirai and Eros have better plans for him. He brought the wolf back home, only to realize that he is an omega wolf. He intended to kill the wolf at first, but he fall in love instead. They lived happily for ten years of their lives and gifted with a pair of twin, one inheritting the wolf traits and the other the human traits. Then, the fate didn't really gives them happily ever after, the man and the wolf got killed by the hands of judging humans, leaving behind their oprhaned pups, Kim Junho and Kim Junsu


As they grew up, Junsu who has been molested by the humans countless of times and with Junho who always got into fought, flee the human city and came to the island where he found a place to settle in and becoming the vice captain of the patrol guards but his twin is not as lucky as he is. In attempt to save him, Junho passed away, in Junsu's arms and now, Junsu is left alone, in this cold world, shaping his cold persona.




Donec ligula arcu, rutrum ac dui a, mollis dapibus metus. Maecenas pretium ante in rhoncus laoreet. Aliquam facilisis pulvinar urna, at commodo elit molestie vel. Fusce quis congue felis. Aliquam sit amet dolor metus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas quis est quis dui tincidunt iaculis. Nam euismod euismod tortor ac cursus. Pellentesque elementum ligula quis leo tincidunt porta. Cras eleifend consequat tincidunt. Nullam at quam hendrerit, hendrerit urna sit amet, condimentum odio. Maecenas vehicula arcu sed sapien ultricies, sit amet aliquet orci commodo. Duis ultricies, est dictum ullamcorper congue, elit sapien aliquam enim, ut dapibus diam nunc eget velit.


Nulla orci enim, congue lobortis velit nec, rhoncus accumsan nulla. In dui metus, porta ut adipiscing at, convallis eu dui. Morbi sit amet dolor sit amet lorem accumsan lacinia. Proin ornare viverra odio quis tempus. Sed at magna eu nulla interdum mattis bibendum quis ante. Donec tempor diam felis, id porttitor turpis posuere quis. Morbi ut vehicula magna. Quisque vel velit in purus tincidunt dignissim. Duis pulvinar hendrerit lectus, bibendum egestas mauris. Nulla gravida dignissim leo sit amet tincidunt. Quisque tempus ac elit sed ultricies.


Vestibulum sit amet iaculis nibh, quis fringilla dui. Suspendisse non libero congue, feugiat elit et, posuere nisl. Curabitur vel volutpat quam, pellentesque vehicula mauris. Fusce massa est, convallis ac bibendum id, luctus vitae velit. Praesent mollis lectus vitae risus ultricies, non suscipit quam sodales. Suspendisse sodales facilisis placerat. Etiam a ante consequat tortor vestibulum blandit. Donec risus erat, porta vitae commodo ac, euismod mattis odio. Etiam fermentum aliquet diam, pharetra pharetra libero commodo at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris sed porta lectus. Pellentesque pulvinar feugiat lobortis. Donec nunc lacus, sollicitudin ac consequat id, lacinia sed libero. Donec varius scelerisque cursus. Cras eleifend mauris nec nulla tristique, a consequat quam ornare.





kim junsu
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