Personal Message


▴ Demon king ▴ Bi ▴ SINGLE ▴ Age Unknown ▴
Jooheon is a very cocky person, he will say whatever is on his mind and not care how anyone feels. Joohheon will try to keep the peace of things but when he gets tired of playing nice he will fight if he wanted to, he is a carefree person who loves to see others underneath him
Joohyeon is one of the many princes from the demon kingdome being one middle children as the demon of lust he didnt want to be in the demon world for to long and only abid by the rules his parents put on him, breaking free from the royal family his parents gave him the permission to live the life he wanted since he didnt want to follow in his fathers foots steps and fight for the right of being king of the demon world. After living life like that he lost track of how old he was, he watched the world change multiple times as old genrations died and new generations became the hype 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed aliquam volutpat arcu et interdum. Ut mollis euismod ornare. Nam elementum finibus ligula, et bibendum massa imperdiet id. Vestibulum sagittis nulla risus, non interdum nibh tincidunt non. Donec placerat justo quis nisi mattis, non efficitur turpis scelerisque. Vivamus iaculis nunc in urna efficitur faucibus. Fusce ut tincidunt ex. Sed vel lacus vel tortor cursus gravida. Fusce augue nibh, feugiat sed nunc eget, blandit pharetra arcu. 
Aye im a single guy!!

