Personal Message

Plot Tracker:


Likes: Food, games, random intellectual talks

Dislikes: A lot of things. Don't jump at me.

uality: straight & demi, borderline aual. 


Ooc Request:

Please give 3 line responses or more. I will cope with a one liner (3rd pov) every so often. But if you do it more than once, especially when I know I gave you a lot to work with, I will stop replying. It is a waste of my time and effort, nor will I stoop to a one liner. Keep this in mind if you request to rp with me

If you do not reply, without an update within one week (1st pov) I will reach out to you. No response will issue a drop in the plot, unless I see you are not online (aka active in the rp). 

If you do not reply, without an update within 2 weeks (3rd pov) I will reach out to you. No response will issue a drop in the plot, unless I see you are not online (aka active in the rp)


Needs an update, hasn't been used in about a year LOL


"Fallen" Angel.

Hoseok was a devoted Angel of God one of His prided Devil Slayers. That is until he fell in love. Now there is nothing wrong with falling in love....only if it is with another Angel. But Hoseok fell in love with a human. Something that was always taboo in Heaven.  They were beings that were to be protected from sin. He showed himself to her, disguised as one of them. Wanting only to get close to her. Little did he know that she would fall for him too. After pronouncing their love to one another, consummating for years, they were finally the bringer of life. Eranged God decided to banish Hoseok from the heavens as punishment.

However, God believed that just banishing him was not enough.  As Hoseok could still live with the one he loved. Thus, He ripped her body and soul away from Hoseok.  In a blind rage, Hoseok tore down and killed his own kind, wanting only one thing: to end his so called Father. But by the time he reached him, it was too late. He was too weak in that moment. God did nothing more, as he found the punishment of Hoseok watching his love suffer and living in the memory forever was torture enough. He was to be kept in Heaven, without his knowledge, if he did not flee due to the loss of his love. Hoseok cannot even speak her name, as the thought of it puts him into deep despair. 

He went into hiding since then wanting to avoid anything that would help God. He despised his wings, his power, anything that meant he was God's slave. Hoseok hid his Angelic form in order to avoid to be seen as one of God's army anymore. He wandered the world for a century as a human, weak, hidden from the divine.


Abilities: Fast regenerative powers

Edit: In his true Angelic form, he feels almost no pain.

Strength: Unknown due to choice of form. (He is not actually fallen, he believes he is due to what he's done. His being in human form/weakened/ does not help him realize that he is still a fully powered being)

EDIT: Upon an unexpected series of events Hoseok finally realized he is still a fully powered angel.  Hoseok's strength is still unknown to others as he prefers human form. His Angelic state of mind is unstable, making him afraid to even use the power...of course, he breaks when it comes to people he cares about...but even then, he is afraid that he will hurt them too.


Characteristics: When Hoseok is in human form, he looks like your average human. Of course only other beings can tell what he is, only if they're close. With his human form, he is unnoticeable from far away. His wings retract into his body and form a tattoo down his back. 

Angel form: Wings are black as night. When in battle his eyes turn a sky blue, representing the heavens. Edit: In this form, Hoseok is mentally unstable.  He was created in order to kill any "unnatural" beings, thus that is all that goes through his head in this form.  To give a painful death, to fulfill the sadistic nature of the Devil Slayer that he is. At the moment, his current nature and Angelic nature fight over his mind when he is in this state.