Personal Message

— Royal High 2019




jock & class clown

kim taehyung

identification number


badges collected

012 badges total


growing up in a high class family where resides his family in the heart of daegu. his mother was... a well hardworking woman, though due to his father and mother’s irrational choices, kim daehyun was mistakenly born in winter’s cavern december of 2000. 

his father was a lawyer and rather an infamous one to korea’s system. the man was rather an extremely traditional fellow who suppressed both him and his mother’s choices and lifestyles through the years with common beatings both emotionally and physically. due to the teachings of the devil, daehyun had a stab wound above his chest and several tattoos written with flames when he did not do his duties with father’s perception of perfection. 

though the kim jaesuk tried to seem stoic and well taught, he flung himself at other women, scattering love and affection along the ridges of their frame like a map. he was a player; the one who never loved daehyun’s mother and the one who made his mother quit her previous job to be a stay at home mother under oppression.

there were time his mother would get a job secretly so that she had enough money to bring daehyun to a better place. simply a place where daehyun could be a kid without broken wings, so his mother took the job to be a stripper. 

“you. you think I wouldn’t have found out— you ing—“ slap. “! you dirty ! just like your mother!” his hand encased around his mother’s throat like a noose, smacking her against the wall like a simpleton insect. “I’m going to kill you— you’ve only been trouble to me ever since I’ve met you.”

with a croak through the last few breaths of air, she told daehyun to run. it wasn’t because he was intelligent, but sadly enough, he’s practiced this procedure several times with his mother. 

two thousand and nine of november twenty one at twenty thirty three, kim haeri was pronounced dead at the scene. daehyun charged in the woods as fast as he could; his slippers threatening to drag his face into the dirt where he was vulnerable to his own death. but his little legs could carry so far, and he was no match for the devil’s pace that coursed through the forest. daehyun was launched onto the ground by the crimson blanket; the same pair of bloody hands that murdered his mother caught his own throat and clasped his mouth to muffled the cries of the almighty god. his vision washed over with a cascade of tears, but he can see the cynical smile laminated over the man’s face. 

so tarte. so sweet. so divine.

soon after he felt his shoulder sting while he surrendered above the crippled petals, slowly reaching the tunnel haeri walked, but there was a holler from a distance that broke the metal bars free. the monster that nearly devoured his soul scampered off as into dusk’s forbidden arms, leaving daehyun to breathe heavily in between the grass as he bled. 

he was never a believer of the lord, but he begged for him to keep the light on.

“kim haeri and kim daehyun pronounced dead due to haeri’s suicide,” 

“daegu case 201 of 2009 daegu disclosed.”


“what’s your name?”

“kim da— taehyung. kim taehyung.”


ahaha will add this all on my profile soon, but here’s some more notes ‘bout taehyung: 

  • eighteen, bi.
  • has a job and lives on his own; works as a bartender almost every night.
  • changed his name after being assisted by witnesses. 
  • father does not know daehyun (now taehyung) survived.
  • hobbies: painting, gaming, working out
  • likes: both girls and boys, broccoli, not his father 
  • dislikes: celery, pickles, too-happy-of-people, people who are better than him, people who put milk before cereal.


~ personality: obnoxious, rowdy, blunt, levelheaded, extroverted, kind, understanding (but can come off insensitive a lot of the time due to his humour)