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BUT for yuqi auryleis, there was no 'once upon a time', no 'long ago in a faraway land,' no creative alliterations that had children grinning in anticipation for the story to come.

no, nothing like that for little yuqi, who had been prophesized to side with the enemy once she matured. it was a shame to have such a child born into the family of the aurylean matrons — to have their own flesh and blood betray them for their worst enemy? they could not even  bear to imagine. and so the matrons had decided to kill the child before she grew to betray the coven. they had given her to one of the lesser witches and instructed him to kill the infant, but the man couldn't bring it in himself to harm such an innocent child. instead, he left her in the wild, knowing that the baby would fall victim to the harsh wilderness of the land.

unfortunately for the auryleans, yuqi survived. the infant was found by a kindly vlatkan widow, who decided to raise the child in secret. and so, for the first few years of yuqi's life, she was allowed to act like a child — happy, carefree, and playful. those were the happiest years of the witch's life.

but her foster mother's secret could not be kept for long — after all, the girl was of aurylean descent. once word had spread of a child in a small village that was rumored to be aurylean, they took her from the widow that had raised her. the vlatkans then decided that she would be the one to end the war, the one to give the vlatkans a chance at victory over the auryleans.

they raised her like a vlatkan warrior, training her in the ways of their people. she was no longer a child then, only considered by the matrons as the future hope of vlatka. the girl knew nothing but the ways of war, trained and disciplined as a soldier in hopes that she would return to auryleis and take down the coven from within. she became a spy for vlatka, unwillingly fulfilling the prophecy of the aurylean child fighting for the opposing nation. she couldn't exactly fight her destiny, either — she didn't even know that the prophecy existed.

once the vlatkan matrons deemed her old enough, she was sent to live among her fellow auryleans. living among those that had abandoned her was difficult, but with the support of those that she deemed as her fellow vlatkans, she was able to adjust, to ease herself into the culture and ways of the auryleans. she learned how to become one of them, to integrate herself into their way of life. 

she became a child of both nations — an aurylean, yet a vlatkan. a vlatkan, yet an aurylean. but she couldn't forget her duty to the nation that had raised her. despite her hesitance to continue her life as a traitor to her place of origin, yuqi could not fail the vlatkans. she would spend her days among auryleans, and her nights among vlatkans that continued to train her on neutral grounds. with her knowledge of vlatkan combat and aurylean magic, yuqi became a fearsome creature, a formidable opponent  in the battlefield. yuqi rose up the ranks quickly, and they called her the angel of death. beautiful, silent, and deadly — just a simple glance from her, and she could drain the blood from your body, using the ichor of her many victims as a weapon on the battlefield.

naturally, the vlatkan matrons did not know how to feel — while they were pleased that their little double agent had quickly earned a name for herself among the enemy, it was still vlatkan soldiers and witches that she was killing. and so they demanded for her to assassinate her fellow auryleans, the comrades and companions she'd made during her time as a soldier.

it was then that she wondered — what was all this bloodshed for? she'd lost so many people, so many loved ones; vlatkans and auryleans alike. was she cursed, she wondered? cursed to be a child of two warring nations, unable to choose between one or the other? she loved vlatka — stern, austere, commanding; yet she also loved auryleis — gentle,   benevolent, tranquil. how was she to choose? the coven had raised her, or the coven that made her who she was?

it took her a few years, but she chose. she became the matron of water, proving her heritage as the current matron's child. the matron cursed her, believing her to be an enemy of the coven, but yuqi shook her head. she was not on vlatka's side, not on auryleis' side, no — she was on the side of peace. she meant to end the war, to use her new position of power to put a stop to the needless bloodshed once and for all.

she cut off contact with the infuriated and betrayed vlatkans, shutting out all their curses and insults and maledictions. she ignored the rumors that surrounded her as the new matron, the rumors that the angel of death would bring them suffering and sorrow, for she was on the side of the enemy. she ignored those that criticized her, that called her a fool for ever hoping for peace, because she knew her job. she knew what she had to do.

there was no winning this war — only ending it. and end it, she would, standing with the auryleans as the matron of water. yet she dreamt of uniting the two nations. they would coexist, live together in harmony, and she would no longer have to choose between vlatka and auryleis. one day, she could live as a child of both nations, as the daughter of two covens that had previously been at war.

yuqi had a goal, a reason to end this war — a clear, distinct goal. and she would let absolutely no one get in the way of the peace and harmony that she longed for.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis.

as one would expect from the matron of a coven of peacemakers, yuqi tries to avoid conflict when interacting with others outside of the battlefield. she is kind and considerate to others, no matter who they are, but can often be quite serious due to the nature of her goal. Despite having a gentle nature, yuqi mostly keeps to herself. she can be friendly and approachable, but chooses not to develop too many  relationships for the simple fact that getting attached will only hurt her, considering the fact that she loses comrades at a daily basis. however, during battle, yuqi is completely different. she has a solid conviction and she doesn't let anyone get in the way of the peace that she longs for. this is why she's received the title angel of death — despite her kind, seemingly gentle nature, she brings death upon the battlefield should she choose to take part in the slaughter.


being raised as the future hope of vlatka, yuqi had taken her studies in auryleis very seriously, approaching them with a vlatkan outlook. therefore. unlike other aurylean matrons that prefer to lead rather than fight, yuqi is very skilled when it comes to using her water-blessed abilities. able to perform any kind of water-based magic. her abilities range from water augmentation, to vapor manipulation, to ocean embodiment.  her powers seemingly have no limit as she can control the ocean as she wishes, but she chooses to limit them herself. yuqi is also an expert healer, often dropping by the medics to help out with those that have been injured. she is also quite the tactician thanks to the gratituous training and lessons she'd received as a child in vlatka. she takes her job as a matron very seriously, and leads the coven rather excellently. 


on the battlefield, yuqi does not often use her abilities to their fullest extent. instead, she often deals with her enemies using her favorite weapon — her scythe (a possible reason as to why they call her the angel of death). unless absolutely necessary, yuqi does not often unleash tsunamis or call the power of the ocean to wreak havoc upon her enemies. at  most, yuqi will steal the blood of her enemies or use particles of ice to kill those that oppose her rather quickly.  having been raised in vlatka, she excels in several kinds of combat, having a vast knowledge for all kinds of weaponry. 


dresden — yuqi's first wyvern, dresden is a RATHER FEARSOME CREATURE, WITH large, bat-like wings and spikes that traverse down the expanse of her spine. her claws are very sharp, and she often uses them to attack whenever she flies down into battle. she has grey scales, tinged with a shade of blue, and is the fiercer of her two wyverns, yuqi often choosing to take her into battle. she'd had a hard time taming dresden at first, as she was a very wild creature. however, after decades of fighting several battles with the wyvern, dresden would viciously attack anyone that ever came close to yuqi on the battlefield, acting as the matron's fierce guardian.

nephele — yuqi had been satisfied with one beloved pet, but after finding a lost little whelp, young and on the verge of death, she had to take him in. nephele has white scales, and is larger than dresden but far more docile. nephele is a forest wyvern, with rare little flowers and plants growing from his scales. such flora can only be found on the scales of wyverns such as nephele, and yuqi uses such plants to help with healing (with permission from nephele, of course). nephele is very gentle, but very protective of yuqi, and excretes poison should he believe that she is in danger.


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opposing sides ╱ open to vlatkans
having been raised and trained among vlatkans, there's no doubt that yuqi has made her fair share of close friends and relations among vlatkan witches. your relationship with her was something special to the two of you — which is why you felt betrayal unlike anyone else once you learned that she had defected to the opposing nation. you're not sure if you ever want to see her again, but she definitely wants — no, needs to see you, to try and make you understand.
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the spine
darren korb
basic info
full name
yuqi auryleis
date of birth
september 23 (83)
auryleis matron
dresden, nephele
the angel of death
preferred pov
coded by yxgurt ; moodboard by sanshine