Personal Message

Lee Dabin 
She's been equipped with advanced medical knowledge and has the capability of temporarily taking over a doctor's position if need be.
Her experience with humans so far are still what can be considered 'normal'. She doesn't really do anything besides work so she doesn't know much about the world outside the hospital. 

played by killerchrome.
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assisting doctor
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pantone #e7c280!
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mw603. she was born-- or rather, created with one sole purpose, and one only.

she was a replacement of lee yeonwoo, an extremely talented doctor who'd been diagnosed with a disease, a tumor, an intramedullary tumor called astrocytoma.

she'd lost her ability to walk and over time, even her life despite her own boyfriend being a fellow doctor. she passed on the metal surgical table just as he was working on getting the tumor out of her body. it was obvious that it crushed him and that resulted in the creation of dabin. 

yeonwoo had known she was going to die, she'd always had intuitions that were accurate and because of that, she'd put all of her own memories into a chip along with a secret file hidden within in, in the event that he would attempt to put her inside an android. it was a file accessible only to that android that would be her.

she was right.

He'd programmed all of her memories into dabin, the android that would become yeonwoo, the android that eventually broke free of what she was programmed to do. 

Dabin was deviant but she kept it a secret, fearing for her own life and fearing for what would become if he ever found out. she didn't want to be taken away nor did she want him to leave her. 


due to yeonwoo's memories being programmed into her mind, dabin shares pretty much all of yeonwoo's traits. she's an extremely gentle soul. she would do anything to save her patients- quite a fitting trait for a doctor, and she's obviously even more protective of the people that she cares about, wanting to keep them from harm even if it means  getting hurt herself. she's also extremely soft-hearted to the point that she'd cry seeing people get hurt. 

"a heart of pure gold." was the best way to sum yeonwoo up.

Dabin, naturally carries all of yeonwoo's traits but she had a much much more fiery persona compared to her, in the sense that she's extremely passionate with whatever she does and will not hesitate when it comes to standing up for the things she believes in.

if yeonwoo was water, dabin is fire.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

out of character
1. annyeong- gmt+8 here but don't be fooled by the online sign, yes. 

2. i'm a university student ooc so sometimes speed in writing may wary depending on my mood-- yeah, uni can be a piece of sh** sometimes. also, length may also wary. it can range from a freaking novel to a few paras so you've been warned! also, don't feel pressured into writing the same length as me. go as short or as long as you want to. let thy creative juice flow.

3. i'm pretty much okay with every genre on the block as long as it makes sense. just, maybe not . also, i don't really enjoy winging things out so let's plot! 

4. please please don't poke me. i always write down trackers and will definitely get to replying to you as soon as i get the chance to.

5. that's about it! if you have any questions, or if you just want to plot, come over to the land of dms!