
Full name: Min Yoongi
Orientation: Homoual
Timezone: GMT+1
Race: Kitsune
Talent: Knife throwing
Personality: Positive - Careful, gentle. Negative - Tempered
Background: Yoongi's one true talent as he grew up was his amazing aim. He was often mistaken as soft and cuddly by everyone because of the occasional ears and tail he would take on. Determined to change this however, Yoongi decided to learn to throw knives. It started with just aiming at a target in his dad's garage, but over time it became more than a stress relief. He realised he had a proper talent in the dangerous art of throwing knives. So over time, he'd convince a friend to stand in front of the target while he practised. Day after day he managed fine, and nobody was harmed by his talent. Slowly, those little garage performances where people would gather to stare for a few moments before buzzing off again, turned into something more. Yoongi's knife throwing skills were recorded and displayed across some social medias - while the big fluffy tail wasn't visible of course - and he took pride in his word and the money he earned from it. Now, at the age of 26, he was approached with a job offer that he couldn't resist. Nobody would think him just to be a fluffy puppy for them to pet, he'd be respected and known worldwide for his talent. He's currently experimenting with trying his trade blindfolded, to give his audience more of a show.