PERSONALITY + I'm lazy but I can be a chatterbox. I may not strike as someone who's not entertaining, you're probably right, but my friends tells me otherwise, so I guess that's a good sign. Also, I'm a simple man with simple pleasures in life. Netflix, chill, food, alcohol, taking trips, quietly zoning out in a corner, watching cute animal videos, baby videos, viral funny videos; that's what I consider as a pleasure in life, or in particular, my life. I guess, this is it, if you want to know more of me, or tell me something that you've observed about me that I oblivious of, be my friend and tell me, because I'm dense and well, I just really don't care that much about myself, so yeah.
LOVER + LI never really thought that I'd be in a very unconventional situation in terms of being in a relationship, but here I am, in a poly one and love three other men all at the same time. To the man who picked us up and loves us unconditionally, Junseong hyung, thank you for loving us and supporting us no matter what. I love you to the moon and back, I will never regret meeting you and being with you, and if given the chance in the next life, I'd do it all over again as long as I'm with you. I love you so much.
BACKGROUND + I live alone before moving to the estate. My parents are. . . somewhere. They are always busy but cares enough to send me to college and stuff. I never really cared what happens since I never really see them. They told me countless of times that we will be able to see each other more frequently but I had my hopes up so many times that I just shrug whenever they tell me so.
Happily Taken
Night Blind





• junseong + basement + ongoing
• junseong + communal bath + ongoing
• junseong + walls + ongoing
• name + place + replied
• name + place + replied
• name + place + replied



OOC +  Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam viverra vulputate velit, vitae mattis lacus consequat vitae. Donec vulputate, augue vitae rutrum scelerisque, metus turpis bibendum nulla, non bibendum odio tellus id ipsum. Etiam gravida turpis nec dui convallis venenatis.Maecenas pharetra faucibusac molestie ultrices. Donec ultricies mauris odio, sit amet porta orci lobortis vel. Sed accumsan et enim et pretium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris commodo metus ac justo aliquet, ac porttitor magna aliquam. In lobortis sapien ac pretium feugiat. Donec vulputate, augue vitae rutrum scelerisque, metus turpis bibendum nulla, non bibendum odio tellus id ipsum. Etiam gravida turpis nec dui convallis venenatis.Maecenas pharetra faucibusac molestie ultrices. Donec ultricies mauris odio, sit amet porta orci lobortis vel. Sed accumsan et enim et pretium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris commodo metus ac justo aliquet, ac porttitor magna aliquam. In lobortis sapien ac pretium feugiat. Maecenas congue quam placerat porttitor feugiat. Nunc at finibus elit. Nunc vel lacus quis augue ultricies luctus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam viverra vulputate velit, vitae mattis lacus consequat vitae. Donec vulputate, augue vitae rutrum scelerisque, metus turpis bibendum nulla, non bibendum odio tellus id ipsum. Etiam gravida turpis nec dui convallis venenatis.


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