Personal Message





lee donghyuck.12:05:25 AMReply

coos at soojin uwu
you stop making my heart dokidoki jeba l

lee donghyuck. 2 minutes ago Reply

seo soojin.10:22:23 PMReply
lee donghyuck. 1 minute ago Reply
seo soojin. 12 seconds ago Reply
lee donghyuck. 46 seconds ago Reply
are you just gonna melt in my arms ? c:

it's a yes sir!

so you're mine now?

yes bubba, im yours uwu



lee donghyuck. Oct 17, 2019 18:33:22 Reply History 

wdym I'm giving you all of my world and universe, seo soojin. just ask for it, I'll even go through the volcano's and Everest for you.