Personal Message

ok basic details : 
user name : koda, yeah just call me koda!
ooc age : 20 
povs that i do : detailed first, third pov.
fc age : 20 (we're both '99 liners, bet.) 
genres that i do : drama, angst, gore, honestly anything under the sun at this point.
kinks ? : non existent lol 
fc orientation : hetero
writing sample : roa smiled as her mother opened the door, a concerned look crossing her mother's face instead of a surprised one as the older woman wrapped her arms around her daughter. "oh minkyung, we've heard everything. it'll be okay.." at her mother's words and warm hug were causing her tears to threaten to spill once more as she buried her face against her mother's shoulders, her shoulders shaking as she sobbed into her mother's arms. the duo stood there for what seemed like hours before her mother hurriedly ushered her inside, an arm still wrapped around the clearly distressed girl. 

home. she was finally home. her parents were there, and everything was going to be fine. 

hours later, roa found herself sitting on the side of her bed with her eyes now glued to her phone. joshua's messages were displayed on the screen but she'd turned off those "mark when read" options so that he'd have no idea if she'd seen them. there were at least half a dozen missed calls on her phone, all from him and her members. a bitter smile crept up once more as she deleted everything and blocked his number before putting her phone down on her bedside table, releasing a tired sigh. seventeen were coming back from japan today, weren't they? she sighed again. it didn't matter anyways, she wasn't going to be there nor was she allowed to be there. pledis rules and if the fans ever found out about her.. was it a past relationship? she shook her head at the thought as she forced herself to swallow down her tears, not wanting to shed anymore. her eyes were puffy enough as it is. she closed her eyes, drifting off into a small nap. she needed to escape from this world, at least for a little bit. 

that evening, she found herself leaning against her bed's headboard with a laptop in her lap, dressed in a comfortable pair of black leggings and a grey hoodie as she tapped away to looking at news before finally opting to stay away from that section. it was mostly about groups having a comeback, pristin disbanding and seventeen coming back from overseas. oh how tempted she was to click into one of seventeen's fancafe but.. what was the point? she'd only be causing her eyes to leak again. as she sat there in thought, a knock was heard from the door and her father peeked his head in. upon seeing the troubled look on her face, her father walked in and took a seat on her bed, a comforting hand on her leg. 

"still thinking about pristin?" roa shook her head at his question. "is it about /him/?" at that second question, her face fell as she sat up and wrapped her arms around her father's neck, silence falling on them as he gently rubbed her back. "don't let some boy make you cry..your tears are precious. my daughter's a queen, isn't she? that's what she always tells me." he smiled as she pulled back to look at him, nodding her head gently whilst wiping away her tears. "it'll take time but I know you can do it. now, your mother sent me up here to ask if you wanted to join her in making dinner?" 

a few hours later, roa was in the kitchen after a warm dinner, something she hadn't had in a while now. she tied up the black garbage bag before heading towards the front door, her mother calling out for her to be careful since there were news about some weird person running about at night, targeting young girls. yelling out a soft "don't worry", she headed out her house and towards the garbage disposal to get rid of the trash that day.

she rubbed her hands together to remove the dirt from her hand right after having applied some hand sanitiser before tucking her hands into the pockets of her hoodie. roa looked up at the night sky before walking back towards her house. she felt small, alone in this cold, harsh world but more importantly, she felt tired. oh how she wanted to just run away to an island, maybe hawaii. that sounds like it could be a fun trip which was something she could definitely use at that point of time.