

Jeon Wonwoo

° Find Me
Please, Help Me
Hold me tight
Don't leave me

— Find me (Pentagon)


Wonwoo is 23 years old and seemed to have it all. He's one of the strongest and his abilities are quite impressive, some of them either unknown or rarely used. No one would have guessed where his quiet personality came from and would have said that he simply didn't bother to talk.
The Diamond was not always quiet- no, he was actually the exact opposite and talkative, always joking around and cheering up those who were important to him.
Of course it didn't stay this way and his life changed drastically when his best friend since childhood and first love was being killed due to a surprise attack planned by a group of Pearls who wanted to see the Diamonds fall. He saw things that he shouldn't have seen and that hit him in a way that you can't imagine. He was lucky enough to be still alive.
From that day on, Wonwoo didn't talk anymore and got used to life as a mute- the life as someone who forgot how to talk.
Another thing he forgot about was what it's like to care about someone else. Sure, he had to look after the weaker ones but always keeps his distance because he was scared of letting a person in just to lose the other again.

One of the few things the young male likes is.. water. It kepts him sane and calm, not only because it's something he can control. Another thing is music. You can easily fascinate him by singing or playing an instrument, the former being something that he can't do himself anymore and would appreciate more.

In order not to be recognized by others, he uses one of his abilities and makes people see someone else than the pale male but the fact that he doesn't talk won't change in the near future.


love of my life



Donec porta est eget leo porta convallis. Nam placerat, purus vitae ultrices feugiat, velit enim malesuada lectus, sed sollicitudin magna massa in augue. Nullam consequat ac velit eu lobortis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean viverra enim et nibh ullamcorper tempor.


out of character

01 GMT+1

02 1st&3rd pov (3rd preferred)

03 Plot & winging

04 Usually up for , rarely romance

05 Don't trust the online sign

06 Please PLEASE poke me, it shows that you care about the plot!!



01 Telepathy *

02 Invisibility

03 Mind Control *

04 Water Manipulation

05 Creating optical illusions

* rarely used



01 Hesitancy

02 Inability to accept help

03 slight fear of fire due to trauma

04 Mentally unstable 



Plot title here

Morbi pulvinar commodo mauris ac mattis. Aliquam facilisis a nulla a sagittis. Vivamus et tortor purus. Duis quam odio, molestie sed enim vel, porttitor finibus leo.

+ rating, status, genre, etc.

Plot title here

Nullam convallis, diam sit amet finibus tincidunt, dolor tellus tincidunt risus, vitae eleifend nisl erat et ante. Aliquam vel ornare massa. Duis in aliquam lectus, at dapibus libero. Aenean at metus a mi rhoncus auctor. Quisque eu porttitor augue, eget placerat urna. Vivamus consectetur fringilla nisl, vel vestibulum lacus aliquet in. Nam non quam in est porta finibus in vitae urna. Vivamus vel rhoncus mauris.

+ rating, status, genre, etc.

Plot title here

Nam nec tortor eu eros rhoncus ornare vel et nibh. Aliquam ex ipsum, rhoncus id consequat id, molestie quis ante. Duis dapibus risus ac mauris iaculis, id lacinia augue tincidunt. Duis efficitur sem placerat metus ornare aliquam. Quisque hendrerit iaculis nulla, eu dictum nibh vehicula pretium. Nulla facilisi.

+ rating, status, genre, etc.