Personal Message



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Yoon Jeonghan
Servant of God
Yes, angel
Jeonghan died long ago and was brought to Heaven. He lived as a low level angel for many years before being promoted through the ranks. His current position is being held as a servant of God. More specifically, His hitman. Jeonghan has proven himself to the Lord and has been chosen to remove the sinners from the Earth, sending them to the Hell they deserve to burn in. He is more interested in providing justice than having , unless the right person comes along.
Faithful, honest, soft interior, sincere, determined, hidden inner cutie, believes in true love and won't settle for less
Exterior seems cold, serious, uninterested, often blank expression because he does not care for much, hard to get
Someone that can put up with his hard, empty seeming shell and break through it to show the adorable angel underneath. A strong person that knows what they want and will do anything to get their way