
Park Jimin

24, Samoyed

Dissociative Identity Disorder / Bipolar Disorder

Adopted just after birth by a loving family, Jimin thought his world would be much different than what it ended up being.  At the ripe age of 12 his entire family of four was reduced to one-- himself. His mother, father, and brother all taken from him in a horrific fire caused by a faulty wire in the kitchen. He grew up from then on mentally scarred and never the same. In order to cope with the horror of watching his family die in the flames, his mind conjured up two personalities. One, the doctors call Christian-- a maternal like figure who cares for others around with a heart like a mother. The other, a rough, angry person the doctors refer to as James. He is unpleasant to be around most times, usually seen when Jimin is feeling distressed or bothered. Jimin himself is very soft, bubbly, naive, sheltered, and fragile.