
"Beware of all the eyes in the shadows."


Kevin Eires



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Speaks:  Swedish (first language), English (fluent), Japanese (nearly fluent), Korean (conversational) French (studying currently), Spanish (basic), Filipino (basic).

Illnesses: Social anxiety disorder, Depression, Body Dysmorphia, Anorexia Nervosa, Self-Harm.


About King Ana: Kevin's Anorexia, based on his BMI, would be considered Mild to Moderate. BMI 17.4--BMI 16. His anorexia is the b/p subtype. He   He purges more than binging though, as he's only binged twice in his whole life. He's purged countless times. He purges via vomiting, via laxatives, and via exercise purging. He also experience problems with c/s. Meaning chew and spit disorder.

Safe foods: Raw, skinless vegetables, steamed vegetables. Sometimes fruits. Sometimes beans. Sometimes eggs and fish/seafood. Stevia/truvia/monk fruit in the raw. Miracle noodles (plain). Walden Farms zero calorkie dressings. Water. Herbal teas. Sometimes black coffee. Green tea. Oolong tea. Sometimes low sodium V8 juice.

Fear foods: meat (non seafood), dairy, honey/maple syrup/sugar/artificial sweeteners/sweetner substitutes (except stevia/truvia/monk fruit). most condiments, salt, most seasonings, soy, nuts, coconut, soda, juices, butter, oils, mock vegan meats, pasta, rice, oats, corn, protien powders, desserts, bread, carrots, seaweed, eggplant, broccoli, iceberg lettuce, chickpeas.


Self harm: Biting himself, cutting, picking scabs, biting finger nails way too low, peeling and picking his toenails to the point of bleeding, pulling out hair, banging his head against hard objects.