Personal Message




Zhu ZhengTing Aka Theo
Scent: Sweet Cinnamon with oranges

Bio: Theo is a younger brother to another wolf in another pack. He left his family to be able to know more about himself as a wolf. Is very intelligent and willing to work hard to make friends.


About Theo's Brother:
He doesn't know i exist as far as i am aware...
He's a little older then me so I call him gege/older brother.
We have different mums but the same dad who we never saw for a while.
gege's mum hated me and spent his last living days caring for him until he got abducted by our grandfather and taken to an island. He got amnesia shortly after arriving to the island. Gege also had this weird obession of being a barista and would beg me to help him out a lot.
All my knowledge is from him as I never really had the passion for it.