Personal Message

Fresh Citrusy Woody Vanilla
Opens up with a blast of fresh sparkling citrus and vanilla with whispers of coriander spice and some woodiness in the background.
The citrus and spice combo give it a refreshing uplifting effervescent vibe.
But it gets better…
After being around it for a bit the citrus starts to calm, and the vanilla becomes the star of the show.
You get a slightly sweet dry dusty vanilla vibe with hints of jasmine and vetiver with a slightly woody undertone.
The sweetness is balanced out perfectly with the citrus and woods
It’s warm, y and inviting.

Past DP's

Daniel Henney.
Daniel Henney.
If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
Daniel Henney
Nov 28
Fresh Citrusy Woody Vanilla
Daniel had grown up in a loving home, the oldest of six children so he was always told he would inherit the pack. So from a young age, his father trained him in combat and various other things to make him a strong alpha that the pack could be proud of. This brought on a lot of stress to the young Daniel so he often snuck out to the human town despite being told humans were horrible and that he should avoid the place. That is where he met her and fell in love, not caring that she was human. Just knowing that she was able to bring out a side of him that he didn't know he had. It was through her that he realized he didn't want to be pack leader but to be a doctor. So in secret he dated her and planned a future for them, thinking he could also show his parents that humans weren't as bad as they thought since she had accepted he was a werewolf. It wasn't long after they had met that he found out that she was pregnant with his child and he couldn't help but be happy. But one of his brothers who were jealous and resented that his brother was getting everything, reported to his father of the woman and the hybrid child. His father flew into a rage, sending the pack warriors to bring the women, who was already seven months pregnant, to the pack. There his father 'taught' Daniel a lesson that broke the man and drove him into a rage. He wasn't sure what had happened, just that when he came to, his mother was crying over his father's corpse and his two younger brothers lay injured on the side. Hating his family for taking away his love and child, he broke the link with the pack at just seventeen and ran away, deciding to go live int he human city. There he followed his and his loves dream of becoming a doctor, helping those in need. This was his life for most of his life until he found a new pack. Of course, he was afraid of joining but knew that living with humans was much more dangerous, more so when he would go into his ruts. So he soon left the town and moved into the pack which was another new experience for him.
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Description of said quirk here.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar libero dolor, eget luctus ligula ultricies non. Donec egestas est vel pharetra porta. Nulla fermentum ex neque, eu pretium elit sagittis eget. Cras eget arcu leo. Praesent sed sapien vehicula, pulvinar odio id, feugiat nunc. Cras mauris augue, tincidunt eu varius vel, aliquam ut lectus. Aliquam suscipit ac arcu vel ultricies. Morbi rutrum tempus posuere. Nullam sit amet fermentum felis. Vivamus id elementum lorem. Suspendisse ornare condimentum rutrum. Suspendisse sed justo diam. Nullam tincidunt sit amet tellus in congue. Sed imperdiet finibus urna, eu semper augue suscipit nec. Morbi gravida ultricies felis, sed euismod justo congue vel. Phasellus aliquet purus lorem, in vehicula urna gravida vitae.
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Write as much as you want here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Write as much as you want here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Write as much as you want here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Write as much as you want here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Write as much as you want here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Write as much as you want here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Plot Title - open - m / f
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Plot Title - open - m / f
Genre(s) here.
Description of the plot here.
Plot Title - open - m / f
Genre(s) here.
Description of the plot here.
Plot Title - open - m / f
Genre(s) here.
Description of the plot here.
Plot Title - open - m / f
Genre(s) here.
Description of the plot here.
Who - Where - Status
Who - Where - Status
Who - Where - Status
Who - Where - Status
Who - Where - Status