jung jaehyun
15th of december 1997
not interested
poli sci / foreign affairs
bad guy
billie eilish
black and blue
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on the fifteenth of december 1997, the cries of two newborn children had echoed through the room, soon followed by a lifeline that beeped flat. the birth of two powerful twins was paid by the life of their mother. the gods have sworn that it was only the first dark winter that the jung's would ever experience, because as the twins grew up, all succeeding seasons wouldn't be sprinkled with bliss.

the birth was a modern day curse that did not torment evidently, but rather the torture of their presence was gradually intensified as they began to walk on their own two feet.

jung jaehyun was born a few minutes early than his twin sister, jinsoul. even though they were basically each others' halves, the difference in their persona was incredibly seen. as jinsoul had her intelligence wielded as her weapon, jaehyun was rather an unforeseen threat, built to act on his part behind the curtains. he possessed more emotions than the latter so he was deemed more approachable between them, but even if he looked at you with those joyful eyes, it perfectly concealed the fact that his heart was nothing but a void.

life was his stage and jaehyun was a brilliant performer, letting the audience see the character that they ought him to be - handsome, wealthy, and an all-rounder. behind the cute dimpled smile and the honey coated voice, he was no different from his sister. it had always been them ever since the start anyway.

jung jinsoul had always been more than a sister to him, perhaps a bloodbound that was rather taken in a different context. if they weren't siblings in this life, it was no doubt that they would possibly be each other's soulmates in another. but what's the point of waiting for a reincarnation when they were already the missing piece of each other in this tragic world that they were currently living in.

although jaehyun was like an ice sculpture, art but there was simply nothing passionate under the transparent crystals, he found life within her. truly, it was a love the crossed the boundaries between siblings. when he stole her first kiss, held her hand and refused to let go, when he had her captured in his arms where nothing else mattered other the dark amber colored orbs that stared back with mutual ardency, a love that was a taboo in the eyes of society;  it was simply them against the world.

nothing else mattered, because no one deserved to touch her and love her the same way as he did. she was his and it would always be them until the very end.

at least for a long time, they thought nothing would go wrong. they would act like close siblings yet everything would be different once they're behind closed doors. living in secrecy was fine until kang jisoo happened.

when he turned 18, he got engaged to a girl who came from a wealthy family, an arrangement that would benefit both companies. the young boy did not want his own freedom to be revoked. that time, he didn't sit down and kept quiet, watching his life be laid out out on the board, with him not being able to make decisions on his own.

many times would he convince his father to abolish the engagement, saying that there are other ways to strengthen the business without sacrificing a child. their father was no foolish man. he wasn't wavered off by the greatest efforts of two children who simply didn't know anything about the industry's gamble yet.

it was time that they took matters into their own hands. jaehyun did his part by acting the way his father wanted him to. he treated kang jisoo with respect, accompanied her in events where they were needed, did everything to act like the gentleman she thought he was. it worked because for a few weeks, he saw the way her eyes sparkled whenever they would meet, the way her cheeks would blossom with scarlets when he (forced himself to) grab her hand.

he made her feel like the luckiest girl on the planet to be wedded to such an ideal man. when jisoo's happiness had peaked, it was time that jinsoul began to cut through with the sharpest rumors that slowly began to shatter his fiancee's world.

jaehyun had witnessed it all. he watched jisoo's world collapse onto the ground as the tattles began to eat her up. of course, he still acted like he was of help, but by the time even his presence was declined by the lass, he knew that it was only a matter of time before their victory was to be claimed.

kang jisoo was a nice girl indeed, but that was also her biggest flaw. she was too nice that a brush of gossip was enough to wave her off from the top. it was no doubt that she'd be the dream girl of many boys but jaehyun simply did not fancy her even the slightest.

why? because kang jisoo was not and will never be jung jinsoul.

they both stood at the rooftop, him and his fiancee. her once bright eyes now twinkling with tears, her frame had gone thin, and she was screaming at him. it was the last resort and the desperate woman had pointed her finger at him, saying that everything went downhill because of the jungs. he stared back at her with nothingness in his eyes, words unsaid as she continued to ramble on.

until the very end, jaehyun only remained as a witness. as jisoo's body disappeared south from the rooftop, all he did was walk away after.

she chose to fall by herself. they did nothing wrong.

- under co.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi tellus felis, tempus sed tristique sit amet, congue ut odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus massa ligula, ac dictum massa ultrices vel. In euismod ipsum ac dui tristique vulputate. Cras id convallis nisl. Morbi venenatis felis eget ex pulvinar sollicitudin. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean rutrum lectus in lacus finibus, non cursus nisl fringilla. Ut risus odio, luctus non magna ac, aliquam porta urna. In vehicula suscipit efficitur. Maecenas eleifend elementum massa. Nam magna ante, imperdiet sit amet dapibus non, faucibus in ligula. Cras et magna semper, fermentum metus ut, porta augue. Mauris eget lorem mi. In feugiat enim at congue mollis. Nam pellentesque eu lectus interdum consectetur.

Praesent cursus nulla sed risus feugiat, vel ultrices metus feugiat. Quisque laoreet quis sem at volutpat. Praesent vitae erat et turpis facilisis aliquam eu viverra dui. Nam imperdiet id libero sit amet viverra. Nunc non egestas ipsum, eu cursus est. Nunc euismod tellus sed aliquam fringilla. Proin et orci nisl. Nulla eget orci ante. In finibus lectus in venenatis lobortis. Suspendisse id tristique justo, eu accumsan tellus.
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let me give you some advice, bastard. never forget what you are. the rest of the world will not. wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.

— tyrion lannister
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi pretium aliquam leo nec mollis. Donec posuere lobortis dolor, nec suscipit sem suscipit ac. Curabitur eget nisl eu velit varius posuere. Curabitur fringilla dolor id odio tempus, sit amet rutrum lacus rutrum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia.
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hey, you can call me choke or simply by my muse's name.
located at gmt+8. my body clock lives in another planet so i'm generally active at any time of the day.
i'm gonna warn you, replies can be hella slow, depending on the length and muse. if i don't manage to reply in two weeks, please poke me. if you wanna drop the thread earlier than that, just message me.
i like keeping my walls clean so if you're interested to rp, pm me instead.
i prefer plotting but i can also wing. although i do recommend that we plot first just so we know how we can start or where we'd go with it.
i can do first and third pov, though i prefer third pov more unless it's just some quick roleplaying. my length can be semi-para to novella but tbh it really depends on my mood.
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name here
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name here
name here
name here
name here
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