kim mingyu
6th of april 1997
film / comm arts
bad guy
billie eilish
black and blue
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the boy must be living in his very own reverie when his name was called as one of the lottery scholars of a well-known prestigious university in the whole country. even if he sold all of his property, it wouldn't be enough to even pay for one year's tuition in the institution. to have a fully paid scholarship was the jackpot prize for a broke student like him.

kim mingyu was certainly not born rich. coming from an average family, he lived a pretty average life. he was born and raised through the love of his own family, and he loved them very much so. he was well-mannered and had the traits that was ideal for the perfect husband. although he was not crazily gifted with intelligence, the boy was skilled with digital media, specifically for video production.

the dslr camera that his father inherited to him became a much prized possession for him. the teen was excited to experiment with the gadget. for an average family like them, a professional camera already costed so much. with enough practice, he soon developed a certain love for photography, taking pictures of beautiful scenes found in the urban site. shows and dramas had always peaked his interest, thinking what actually went on behind the scenes of every capture. he dreamed to have a film of his own, something that the public would remember.

entering university honestly frightened him. other than being a freshman to a whole new educational level and being away from his family for a college, he was attending an institution that was filled with students far beyond his social status. he was surrounded by elites and their aura was enough to make the tall lad feel small. the first year of the boy wasn't entirely as bad as he thought it would be. maybe mingyu watched too many k-dramas to think that scholars would always be the bullied ones because they didn't fit in. honestly, his classmates weren't really as bad. sure, there were students who poised an arrogant air, but there was no particular division between the scholars and the elites.

mingyu thought sophomore year would pass by just as quickly, but it turned out to be the most stressful year for him. being a scholar in an expensive university was a blessing, but the extra finances for equipment, personal necessities, and other things weren't covered by the scholarship. mingyu would try to fit in the budget that his parents would give him, saving enough to at least survive the semester. however, things went down just as quickly when his brother was rushed to the hospital. the news of his brother being diagnosed with a chronic illness had caused great devastation to his family. they weren't earning enough to pay for the treatment and to send mingyu to university at the same time.

the state of his family had wrecked his heart into pieces. he took a part-time job at the university's cafe during his free time, just to earn an additional budget. even if mingyu applied for 90 jobs at the same time, he would gain enough for himself, but not enough to at least help his family with the expenses in the hospital.

under the pressure of financial instability, mingyu was willing to do just about anything to help his family. of course, in a large university, he knew there were a lot of suspicious businesses inside the campus, even if the students are born out of nobility. he ran errands for elites who ordered him around, making him do all the risky work.

the price that they give him was far more than what he gets from his part time jobs. however, the one time that he ed up his work resulted to a death sentence of his own. not knowing how to fight back nor dodge the attacks, the sophomore was badly beaten up, almost to the point where he seriously thought he was going to die.

a few weeks after his recovery, he was back to fitting every expenses in his tiny budget. everything stressed him out and his brother wasn't getting any better. it was a turning point when this one person offered him a job, and it wasn't just any ordinary job. pulling off a satisfactory performance would give him more than he could ask for. in the moment of desperation, mingyu would do absolutely anything, and so he accepted, even if it meant sacrificing something in return.

at his third year in film, mingyu was earning more than enough for himself. despite doing all school work, he was working his off to survive at least one more year of uni while helping his family with the financial burden that they were in.

the kim's were indeed lucky to have kim mingyu as their son, but i wonder how would they react if they discovered that he earned his money by selling off his own body for the eyes of the internet?
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi tellus felis, tempus sed tristique sit amet, congue ut odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus massa ligula, ac dictum massa ultrices vel. In euismod ipsum ac dui tristique vulputate. Cras id convallis nisl. Morbi venenatis felis eget ex pulvinar sollicitudin. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean rutrum lectus in lacus finibus, non cursus nisl fringilla. Ut risus odio, luctus non magna ac, aliquam porta urna. In vehicula suscipit efficitur. Maecenas eleifend elementum massa. Nam magna ante, imperdiet sit amet dapibus non, faucibus in ligula. Cras et magna semper, fermentum metus ut, porta augue. Mauris eget lorem mi. In feugiat enim at congue mollis. Nam pellentesque eu lectus interdum consectetur.

Praesent cursus nulla sed risus feugiat, vel ultrices metus feugiat. Quisque laoreet quis sem at volutpat. Praesent vitae erat et turpis facilisis aliquam eu viverra dui. Nam imperdiet id libero sit amet viverra. Nunc non egestas ipsum, eu cursus est. Nunc euismod tellus sed aliquam fringilla. Proin et orci nisl. Nulla eget orci ante. In finibus lectus in venenatis lobortis. Suspendisse id tristique justo, eu accumsan tellus.
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let me give you some advice, bastard. never forget what you are. the rest of the world will not. wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.

— tyrion lannister
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi pretium aliquam leo nec mollis. Donec posuere lobortis dolor, nec suscipit sem suscipit ac. Curabitur eget nisl eu velit varius posuere. Curabitur fringilla dolor id odio tempus, sit amet rutrum lacus rutrum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia.
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hey, you can call me choke or simply by my muse's name.
located at gmt+8. my body clock lives in another planet so i'm generally active at any time of the day.
i'm gonna warn you, replies can be hella slow, depending on the length and muse. if i don't manage to reply in two weeks, please poke me. if you wanna drop the thread earlier than that, just message me.
i like keeping my walls clean so if you're interested to rp, pm me instead.
i prefer plotting but i can also wing. although i do recommend that we plot first just so we know how we can start or where we'd go with it.
i can do first and third pov, though i prefer third pov more unless it's just some quick roleplaying. my length can be semi-para to novella but tbh it really depends on my mood.
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name here
name here
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name here
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