Personal Message

[ temporary profile] 
name: kang younghyun
dob: 19. 12. 1993 (age 26)
group: day6

personality: he's very engaged in social events most of the time (when work isn't calling, mostly, though. when he works he just wants to focus on it). he's always on time, except for when he fell asleep in his lunch break again. he values trust and responsibility a lot, he's kind of a mediator and he might as well seem a little irritated sometimes. in fact, though, he's mostly a chill guy. he seems rather extroverted, but deals with problems on his own. he is willing to help those around him, however his tongue has no filter when it comes to being honest. Overall he gives off a kind of intimidating, maybe even confusing vibe. He can either be really observant and quiet or get really loud, it all depends on his mood. He's up to a lot, loves playing pranks on people and is that kind of person to leave everyone a short message and sweets for christmas, also brings a cake on his birthday. he'd kill for food, though. Food and coffee. he seems to be attached to a coffee machine.

3 worst and best qualities:
- easily distracted when people are talking in the office
- terrible hamdwriting when leaving notes for other employees
- thinks about food way too much
+ lots of theoretical knowledge in accounting
+ reliable and honest worker
+ can deal with conflicts really well
background: he has a bachelor's degree in accounting and visited high school overseas in canada, thus he knows how to speak english. younghyun has always wanted to follow the footsteps of his father which is why he studied accounting, after getting his degree he traveled through europe for a year before getting back to seoul and aiming to start his career in mr. oh's office as it seems to hold a lot of different possibilities and a wide range of departments to have a look at. plus, he even held a presentation about webtoons in high school and took the embarrassment that came with it like a man... that's about how dedicated he is.

your name
position: intern
Department: none
DOB: here
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