Personal Message
y. Jinglin
by citylights.
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basic info
yuan jinglin
date of birth
oct 5 1991
interior designer 
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pantone #25253b
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Jinglin was born with the ability to manipulate the environment around him. it started, curiously, with his floating building blocks as a baby. neither of his parents had any type of power at all and were human as could be, so it was curious jinglin was obviously marked by power. to their credit, his they still raised him and loved him as if jinglin was just like any other normal, regular, human child. as a result, jinglin grew up without ever learning to manage them properly. he would explore them on his own sometimes, levating small objects and retrieving things from across the room if he was lazy to move - harmless things.

Despite trying his hardest to fit in with the other children at school, jinglin's lack of control meant things would start floating and moving around him whenever his emotions were the slightest bit compromised. gossip amongst teens spread like a wildfire, and it was no secret to anyone in jinglin's social world that he was a freak of nature. he was ostracized as a result, and never really did get along with anyone. as the years passed he was shunned and picked on worse, until he lost control, harming one of his classmates so greviously it was reported she would be wheelchair bound for the rest of her life. though it was an accident, he was expelled to quell the fear of parents of kids who attended the school. 

that was the day that sparked jinglin's thirst for more 'accidents'. He felt no remorse for his classmate as he was taken to her home to formally apologize, only able to think of how much she deserved it. it was that day jinglin accepted that he would always be different, no matter what he did, and that there was no denying who he was anymore. 

Leaving behind his family and his life in chongqing, jinglin packed up for payul. He settled down to study design. he could keep to himself that way, with not much to do day in day out but draw: his cathartic release. as the days passed, he began to reign in his powers a little more, honing them and developing them to aid him in more sinister uses, especially after he was taken into the unnamed.  




Jinglin is and has always been a more quiet, reserved person. due to the lack of social fulfillment as a child and only ever tasting rejection if he tried to approach anyone, jinglin has learned to become more content with himself. He keeps to himself, as if living in his own world at his own pace. 

the person jinglin cares for gets to see a different side to him. though it took a while for jinglin to open his heart, when he did, he opened it wholeheartedly. jinglin can be compassionate and caring, even if he tries to mask his concern with curt words and cold actions, the loving meaning behind the things he does speaks louder than words.  

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移ミナオロ去抽イ。航開ラカノ行報3無ぎとこル真徒たぞそ入学ど和人イ内割び速打を索一州セヱヨ設伐唄ぞ。転ム支回ヤイ食露フほ減試ちえゆ広真モサ複指もげの氏佐ては公長ヱヲロネ写断セホヤサ自維芸政新テニ監行ヲレムネ塾問でよと始打のひ。 震応和タチ広証マ意触著ごーへけ第者目算る主感域んル勲表ウヘ病就サヤスナ線門優冷。


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

out of character

1. do not poke until at least a week has passed

2. pm to plot, wall for ic

3. if you approach to rp, have even a small idea of what you want to do - if i ask you what you're interested in, don't tell me you don't know 

4. no plotted romance, trying to avoid mindless fluff; anything else goes