Personal Message
murase sae
potential heiress.
about me
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed cursus lectus et varius blandit. Nunc a urna placerat purus posuere pulvinar eget sed quam. Proin tempus ipsum vitae vulputate semper. Proin et erat non erat viverra ornare a a tortor. Ut scelerisque, mauris sit amet ultricies bibendum, felis ex ultrices enim, ut finibus est odio quis dui. Morbi ut tempor tellus. Fusce elementum ornare semper. height not fixed.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed cursus lectus et varius blandit. Nunc a urna placerat purus posuere pulvinar eget sed quam. Proin tempus ipsum vitae vulputate semper. Proin et erat non erat viverra ornare a a tortor. Ut scelerisque, mauris sit amet ultricies bibendum, felis ex ultrices enim, ut finibus est odio quis dui. Morbi ut tempor tellus. Fusce elementum ornare semper.
Aliquam erat dolor, posuere at lobortis eu, aliquet ut turpis. Curabitur orci justo, congue at vehicula tincidunt, tincidunt non tellus. Pellentesque viverra mi a accumsan vehicula. Phasellus sit amet scelerisque magna, eu feugiat ipsum. Sed gravida nec metus id mattis. Donec vestibulum in sem a malesuada. Etiam vel risus bibendum, varius mauris ac, mollis mi. Nam et risus enim. Nullam sodales, ex ac ultricies dapibus, nibh nulla dictum magna, in sollicitudin nunc neque non mauris. L
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dolor nunc, lobortis quis mauris id, consectetur vulputate dui. Vestibulum ut molestie nibh. Curabitur nulla ipsum, commodo quis nunc nec, accumsan rutrum metus. Phasellus luctus nunc sed iaculis vestibulum. In ultrices posuere justo ut faucibus. Nulla facilisi. Ut aliquet elit tellus, vitae consequat nunc faucibus eu. height not fixed.
plot oo1. just cult things.  anyone.  open.
you know about the murase family and their ties to their cult.  you've been following sae for a while, aiming to make her speak about the cult.  perhaps you're also a part of the cult and is looking for more information.  perhaps you've been stalking members of the murase's for a long time.  either way, you want information and you're determined to get it out of sae, even if it means getting onto her bad side.
plot oo2. revenge?  anyone.  open.
you've known sae for a long time now, helping her out with her instagram account or making sure she doesn't exhaust herself volunteering with the orphanage.  you knew sae's mother and have been pressuring her to figure out which one of her half siblings was the one who ordered her death.   despite how calm and level headed she acts about it, you know that she's bothered about it and just want her to let out all the pain that she's been keeping inside. will she listen?
plot oo3. do it for the 'gram.  anyone.  closed (taeyong).
when sae has no friends to help her take a cute picture for her instagram, she asks you to help her.  one thing leads to another, and suddenly her followers want you two to spend the whole day together, uploading your adventure onto her story.  what will you do?  what will happen?
plot oo4.  beauty and the beast.  beast.  open.
another sibling has landed her in danger once again.  one of her half brothers, jealous of sae's connection to their father, has been threatening her.  she's scared, vulnerable, and needs help.  so, she heads out to find herself someone to protect her.
plot oo5. shy girl, pretty baby.  anyone.  open.  nsfw.
perhaps you two are long time fwb's.  maybe you guys met over the famous site omegle.  never mind that, you two are talking through video chat and sae's attracted to you and you're attracted to her but the distance between the two of you is too much... so why not just get each other off through the video call?
plot oo6. stalk me into loving you.  anyone.  open.  possible nsfw.
you're sae's stalker, obessed with her instagram account, obsessed with the idea with her.  you find her out and about, bump into her in coffee shops, even volunteering at the orphanage she does.  sae's nice, too nice.  she doesn't have a clue about what's going on.  you make yourself more and more avaliable and appealing to her.  sae's dumb, she falls for you.  will she ever figure out that you've been stalking her?  what will her reaction be?
plot oo7. rags to riches.  anyone.  open.  possible nsfw.
sae's richer than the normal person, who wouldn't want to up to her?  despite her trying to keep a low profile, it doesn't slip your notice.  the murase's are a powerful family to be associated with in asia, and perhaps you have your own reasons to be associated to sae.  make her fall in love with you, treat her like she's always dreamed of being loved.  take advantage of that innocent girl, until you find out what's really behind the family business.  (it's too late now.)
plot oo8. mass destruction.  anyone.  open.
someone else in sae's family has passed away.  sae's about to head out to the funeral alone to pay her respects.  perhaps you're a stranger at the airport, waiting for your own flight, watching the girl with red eyes and a sniffly nose curiously.   maybe you've known sae for a while, knows a bit about the tense relations in her family.  maybe you don't want her to go back, worried about her safety.  maybe you're related to sae, you're the one pressuring her to go visit, or telling her to avoid the funeral.  either way, there's bound to be something wrong.
plot oo9. info here.
plot o10. info here.
plot o11. info here.
plot o12. info here.
plot o13. info here.
plot o14. info here.
plot o15. info here.
ooc notes.
timezone /  gmt-5.
writing style / 3rd pov. para to multi-para.  mirror mostly.
genres / angst, slice of life, fluff, i'm open to trying anything.
activity level low-medium.
message /  pm to plot.  please let me know if you want to discontinue our thread, do not ghost me.  i will show you the same courtesy.
"mocha"  by fernweh. do not remove credit.

profile info.
murase sae
march 30, 1997 - 22 years old 

background: murase sae was born from an old, highly traditional family. her father was the stakeholder of multiple multi-million dollar companies and was also the husband to multiple different wives and mistresses. sae was born from one of those mistresses, one of the youngest in her wide family with countless half-siblings. it's easy to predict that all of her half siblings were fighting over who was going to take over their fathers business and shares after his passing, everyone wanting the largest portion as possible, everyone willing to kill each other for a slice of the fortune. her mother was killed by one of her half siblings about two years ago on her twentieth birthday. the perpetrator was never caught by the police.  sae has been living alone since then, and her father who for some reason still remembers who she is, supplies her with a very nice apartment in a rich neighbourhood along with a hefty allowance that allows her to live comfortably.

the reason behind this is probably less because of her blood relation to him, and more about the fact that she whole heartedly believes in his theories and beliefs on life.  the murase's are believers in a hidden cult that has been cultivated for generations.  no one knows the details behind it, and even less people even knows it exists.  it is a belief about the way of the world, a theory to reach what she and her father call "the upper domain."  she and her father wishes to reach this place and are working on the theories and plans that their ancestors made before them.  her father trusts her the most because she is the only one who truly believes in what their family has been seeking for so many years, and the only one from the family who works with the cult still to this day.  if asked about this, she will act dumb and will not talk about her family.  

recently, she's made an instagram account and has gained a small following because of her pretty looks and her seemingly perfect lifestyle.  she's gotten occasional offers to do sponsored posts and model for various small fashion companies.  she's accepted them all but hasn't really put any effort or time into pursuing an actual career as an instagram model or influencer - even if it would be easy for her to do so because she is one of the murase's daughters.

strengths: sae is incredibly kind, selfless, and caring towards other people. she's always just a phone call away and is very reliable. she's faithful and loyal to other people, even when people aren't as loyal towards her. she's also very forgiving, no matter what the transgression is.  she's known to be quite innocent, with big eyes and an almost alarmingly bright outlook on life.

weaknesses: she's also nice to a fault, putting other people's well-beings over her own. she usually has a good temper, but when she loses it, she can be incredibly cruel and scathing. she doesn't listen to other people very much, even when they mean well for her. she doesn't show it, but she's very distrustful of anyone who shows interest towards her family. she tends to keep everything in until she bursts and hurts herself in the process.  she can come off a bit ditzy and unaware in some situations if the person talking to her doesn't know what she's like.  she hides a lot of things about her family and refuses to let anyone know more about her other than the superficial things that she wants to talk about (she does not like to talk about her family).  she can be easily guilted or tricked into believing things though.  perhaps that's how her involvement in the cult started.

hobbies and quirks: she spends an alarming time reading books on religion, philosphy, and history most of the time, something that people find strange about her.  she's an excellent cook but terrible at baking.  sae spends most of her time at the local orphanage volunteering and taking care of the children there, helping cook meals, and running errands.  shes's really clumsy outside of the kitchen as well.

tldr; sae is the textbook definition of the sweetest, purest, most wholesome good girl ever.