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bad guy
billie eilish
black and blue
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People often say that the more people there are in a group, the merrier every day becomes. Truth be told, that was not the case for Hong Jisoo who was born as the fifth child in a family of ten siblings. With a 2-year age gap between his siblings, Jisoo can technically be considered as the middle child as well as the youngest of the brother line. He has four older brothers, and he functions as the mom and the dad of his five younger sisters.

This was too much of a weight bore by a single individual.

Despite being a product of an arranged marriage, Jisoo’s grandparents expressed their desire to have a big family rooting from their daughter and son, Jisoo’s parents, as they were the only child of their respective families. How his parents’ paths crossed may just be an odd incident, with his mother operating as a licensed chemist and owning a fragrance brand and his father as the future CEO of the leading security company in the Metro. Yin and Yang merged, just as how it should be, and there was no space for personal feelings to intervene.

After all, when you’re a byproduct of the rich, everything becomes a monopoly, including you.

And that’s what it felt like for all siblings of the Hong household. It was all about business, and business was them.

Growing the family tested the waters for Jisoo’s brothers, and he was witness to the damage taken by his older siblings. After all, what purpose did a life serve when clearly, your fate has already been predetermined? As though in a game of darts, Jisoo’s father had a clear range of career options, all favorable to the machismo, and wherever the arrow lands presents his son his own fate. No questions asked.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi tellus felis, tempus sed tristique sit amet, congue ut odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus massa ligula, ac dictum massa ultrices vel. In euismod ipsum ac dui tristique vulputate. Cras id convallis nisl. Morbi venenatis felis eget ex pulvinar sollicitudin. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean rutrum lectus in lacus finibus, non cursus nisl fringilla. Ut risus odio, luctus non magna ac, aliquam porta urna. In vehicula suscipit efficitur. Maecenas eleifend elementum massa. Nam magna ante, imperdiet sit amet dapibus non, faucibus in ligula. Cras et magna semper, fermentum metus ut, porta augue. Mauris eget lorem mi. In feugiat enim at congue mollis. Nam pellentesque eu lectus interdum consectetur.

Praesent cursus nulla sed risus feugiat, vel ultrices metus feugiat. Quisque laoreet quis sem at volutpat. Praesent vitae erat et turpis facilisis aliquam eu viverra dui. Nam imperdiet id libero sit amet viverra. Nunc non egestas ipsum, eu cursus est. Nunc euismod tellus sed aliquam fringilla. Proin et orci nisl. Nulla eget orci ante. In finibus lectus in venenatis lobortis. Suspendisse id tristique justo, eu accumsan tellus.
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let me give you some advice, bastard. never forget what you are. the rest of the world will not. wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.

— tyrion lannister
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi pretium aliquam leo nec mollis. Donec posuere lobortis dolor, nec suscipit sem suscipit ac. Curabitur eget nisl eu velit varius posuere. Curabitur fringilla dolor id odio tempus, sit amet rutrum lacus rutrum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce urna tellus, suscipit a placerat vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce urna tellus, suscipit a placerat vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce urna tellus, suscipit a placerat vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce urna tellus, suscipit a placerat vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce urna tellus, suscipit a placerat vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce urna tellus, suscipit a placerat vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce urna tellus, suscipit a placerat vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce urna tellus, suscipit a placerat vitae.
#out of character
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