Personal Message

♡ song mino 1 minute ago Reply



Everything pure in this world

Obviously too beautiful for his own good

Kinda really perfect

Just a breathtaking human being

Incredibly genuine and loving

No one compares to you.


Okay my softness is showing




♡ song mino 15 minutes ago Reply


To the guy I had to confess to like every damn day for two and a half long af months until he finally agreed to date me B)


The beautiful, and perfect Seokjin. My beauty, and my spoiled little brat



♡ choi daesu6:50:12 AMReply

tinie seokjin

♡ song mino 26 seconds ago Reply

@♡ kim seokjin You are the sweetest melody on these eyes and ears. I could wrap myself up in your words and sleep more soundly than a baby. I guess that's attraction but it feels so deep, as if this were the start of a song that plays on and on, something so soothing to my soul.

♡ kang yuchan 1 minute ago Reply

♡ lee taeyeob22:43:18Reply

seokjin, i can't- hh. your existence is too great not to be noticed ; n ;
