Personal Message
Jungkook is a descendant of Hyoyeon and her former pet Sungmin, making him Headmistress Rose's distant cousin. Hyoyeon and Sungmin left the slave house industry for something more relaxed, and instead joined something akin to a secret society, where there are no slave houses included. When Hyoyeon and SUngmin joined, because of Hyoyeon's status in the slave house industry was well know, it doesn't take long for her to climb the ranks. By the time Jungkook is born, his family is considered royalty, and he was trained to be a house pet. During gatherings, he is able to pick and choose who he can be with, or what even happens to him, though he is still required to listen to his own master. While JUngkook did complete his training, Jungkook's family and master sent him to amethyst upon hearing it being reopened. They want him to get a sense of where everything started as well as improving himself even more before returning home and continuing his duties. 
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her name.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc facilisis ipsum vitae ligula maximus, in porttitor nibh dignissim. Donec ornare ullamcorper ex. Praesent a suscipit dolor. Nullam eget urna elementum, sollicitudin tortor in, lobortis metus.
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Jeon Jungkook
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