Personal Message
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future friend。
―yours truly
Thank you for purchasing your very own Yiren from the EVERGLOW LoveBots Model Line! ♡ Before putting her various skills to test, please read carefully through these instructions, dear customer.
To keep Yiren's energy levels on a balanced high, your model needs to be fed perpetually throughout the day. Whether it be a light appetizer or a full-course banquet — her stomach is built to accept the challenge. As this series is prone to small defects however, you should refrain from assigning her to carry out the preparations or run a kitchen device at any cost. Burnt remains will be the least of your worries if you don't heed this advice. Furthermore, our company cannot be held responsible for any cases of faulty operation.
Designed only with your happiness in mind, the latest technology refined her communicative interface. Equipped with miscellaneous programs to ensure authentic emotional responses, she surely makes an ideal companion! Her adventurous spirit and carefree nature will brighten up your lacklustre routines.