est. 2020
jung yein
—3rd pov
—para to novella
—purple prose if i feel like it
—honestly, i'm open to whatever; just ask!
open pairings
—doctor x killer
—killer x accomplice
—heir/heiress x butler/maid
—bully x plaything
—doctor/nurse x dying patient
—colorblind artist x love interest
—sibling x sibling
—baker x baker
—master x slave
—femdom x male
—kidnapper x victim
—hitman/assassin x target
—hitman x hitman

—university au
—soulmate au
—town/apartment au
—flower shop
—killing games
—murder mystery
—yandere themes
—stockholm syndrome

—blood play
quotes for ideas
—“If this isn’t hell, the devil is surely taking notes."
—"if this is hell, it's one of our making."
—"i'd rather be anywhere that isn't here."
the colorblind artist 0/1
fluff, romance, angst, drama m/f
—character a, a painter, has rod monochromacy, a condition in which they can only see in black and white. after meeting character b, a realizes that their affection for the other is bringing back their sight of color.
fais de beaux rêves0/1
fluff, romance, angst, drama m/f
—character a is the nurse in charge of watching over character b, a patient who is living away the rest of their life in a hospital bed due to an unknown illness. while b has succumbed to their fate and seemingly sees no worth in the days left to come, a is determined to change this and bring beauty to the last moments of their life.
idée fixe 0/1
fluff, romance m/f
—with a huge mansion to him/herself, character a spends most of their time playing the piano. with a large window beside their piano, it's not uncommon that a's musicality is often greeted by rabbits and birds alike, moreso because the garden outside the house is just as welcoming. one day, a receives an unexpected visitor, character b, who heard the mellifulent tunes of the piano and wound through the enchanting garden in search of the source.
plot name 0/?
setting - genre requirement(s)
국회는 국무총리 또는 국무위원의 해임을 대통령에게 건의할 수 있다. 헌법재판소 재판관은 정당에 가입하거나 정치에 관여할 수 없다.
plot name 0/?
setting - genre requirement(s)
국회는 국무총리 또는 국무위원의 해임을 대통령에게 건의할 수 있다. 헌법재판소 재판관은 정당에 가입하거나 정치에 관여할 수 없다.
character name location
replied | need to reply
국가는 균형있는 국민경제의 성장 및 안정과 적정한 소득의 분배를 유지하고.
character name location
replied | need to reply
국가는 균형있는 국민경제의 성장 및 안정과 적정한 소득의 분배를 유지하고.
character name location
replied | need to reply
국가는 균형있는 국민경제의 성장 및 안정과 적정한 소득의 분배를 유지하고.
character name location
replied | need to reply
국가는 균형있는 국민경제의 성장 및 안정과 적정한 소득의 분배를 유지하고.
character name location
replied | need to reply
국가는 균형있는 국민경제의 성장 및 안정과 적정한 소득의 분배를 유지하고.
character name location
replied | need to reply
국가는 균형있는 국민경제의 성장 및 안정과 적정한 소득의 분배를 유지하고.