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born to quite what you'd refer to as a normal family, sunwoo is the younger sibling of two, his sister being one of the biggest rivals in his life along with some douches he met at school and such.
sunwoo's always been one to attack and not back away and it showed especially much when he was playing with other pups. he was very rough, he couldn't accept defeat, yet he enjoyed playing with others. as he grew up, sunwoo became quite rebellious, and there's a belief within him that he's got to reach a place he refers to as paradise ㅡ it's a story that his grandfather used to tell him about, far, far away from their hometown, there is a place that's better than here, and ever since his grandfather told him about paradise one night while sunwoo was crying over a fight with his parents, he is keen on finding the place his grandfather has told him about. he's not really on good terms with his family, his parents were frustrated with him as he had a temper that couldn't be tamed, he'd explode into their faces and talk back, and they didn't understand each other. his sister was the favorite child, the good child, sunwoo was an embarrassment wherever they went. but hey, at least he's stylish and the girls liked him back in school.
despite having such a rocky relationship with his parents, sunwoo doesn't feel the need to rely on someone else in return ㅡ he's his own leader and takes care of matters in his very own way. he does not submit to anyone, and he has dedicated his life to finding paradise. when he ended up in the city, he was close to giving up, and he decided to study history and philosophy in hopes he'd get better access to informarion about paradise that way.
sunwoo's incredibly impulsive and passionate. if you mean something to him, you can rely on him to dig hid own grave for you, but it's really hard to get there. sunwoo's your local all black everything, quiet, "sorry i can't hear you, your actions speak so loudly", smoker skater boyfriend aesthetic with minor anger management issues, but once he opens up to you, you'll see what a soft, warm core lies within the dark chocolate pelt and auburn eyes. he's quite popular among the girls because he just seems impossible to get. but honestly, he gets weak for nose kisses, belly rubs and head pats.
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hyeonju (soulmate) ㅡ to sunwoo, she is the flower maiden that, in his belief, will guide him to paradise. it's her flowery scent and her magical powers that make sunwoo feel that where she is, paradise must be near. sunwoo is very protective of her. if anyone dares to lay a hand on her, he won't hesitate to kill if necessary.
yutaro (that one gay friend) ㅡ ​​​​​​... that falls for sunwoo. sunwoo gets really flirty at times, therefore it's hard to catch the wrong signs ㅡ after they hooked up once, he keeps coming back for more and he cannot help it. sunwoo isn't interested in anything romantic.
​​​soyeon (alpha sitter) ㅡ she is quite protective over sunwoo and watches over him. they end up getting close to the point of having , only resulting in mixed feelings about their friendship dynamic when suddenly, turns out that soyeon expects a baby ㅡ and nobody knows who the father is.
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what i like

nature, the feeling of sunshine tickling my face, summer nights, sunsets, loyalty, sense of community, philosophy, sweet, floral scents.

what i dislike

Loud environments, crowds of strangers, childish behavior, being talked back to, hypocrisy, trust- or dealbreakers, traitors, the cold, being alone.


Learning about the past, going to museums, going on adventures, challenging myself, music.


mother, father and an older sister that live outside of the city, therefore i don't see them. maybe it's better that way since i have a pretty rocky relationship with them.


history, philosophy, music, art, observing other people, getting to the point of perfection, becoming better day by day, step by step, living life to its fullest.


playing the guitar, singing, drawing doodles and sketches, leadership skills, straight-forwardness.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
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the wolf
basic info
full name
kim sunwoo
history and philosophy student, jobless
love interest
prefered pov
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