
Name: Lee Chan
Age: 23
Timezone: GMT 8+
Type: Boyfriend
Hobbies / Skills: He knows how to dance and is very skillful about it. He also sings and raps in his free time as well. He is a Cryokinesis, he has the ability to weild ice or manipulate ice along with his preability of Hydrokinesis.
Traits: He is cheerful in contrast of his powers due to his yeti abilities that makes him weild ice which is joint with his wolf species. When he dances he is very hardworking and turn really serious about it.
Flaws: When someone tells him that he isn't that good he is easily brought down and believes in that fact. He can easily be negative and prevent's showing it to others. He has lack of self control sometimes in his powers most especially when he's sad. When he's depressed his room slowly turns blue and the temperature drops low.
Species: Wolf-Yeti Hybrid
Position: Switch but mostly leans to Dominant at times.