Personal Message
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basic information
01 : Full name
mark tuan.
02 : date of birth
09.04.1993 / 26.
03 : location
04 : occupation
militia ghost / baker.
05 : orientation
06 : love interest
Mark Tuan spent the entirety of his childhood jumping from one foster home to another. He was never given the chance to experience true stability in a home environment, therefore, he had difficulty connecting with those around him.

At the subtle age of eighteen, Mark enlisted himself into the marines. He had no direction in life- that is, until he learned of his talent for sharp-shooting. His performance was phenomenal, and easily swayed the higher ups of the system. He found that he could also out-perform the entirety of his peers, so long as he put his mind to it.

By the age of twenty-three, Mark was labeled a highly elite soldier, capable of clearing out any target you gave him from a range. He was soon scouted to take on a rare position in the underground field. He was the sniper to the Militia Ghosts.

By day, Mark works as a small-town baker in Lavande. He absolutely enjoys learning new recipes on his free time, and spends little effort tending to others.
01 : likes /hobbies
smoking, baking, cooking, sharp-shooting, working out, reading, gaming.
02 : dislikes
large gatherings, overwhelming sounds, obnoxious people.
03 : section
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04 : section
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05 : section
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